Secret Santa 2002!

It’s time for this year’s Straight Dope Secret Santa!

Here are the guidelines (shamelessly copied from last year’s OP) with the relevant info changed:

The Guidelines:

  1. Gifts should be in the $10 range
    And no White Elephant stuff unless you are absolutely positive your giftee would appreciate it.

  2. Gifts should be G-rated
    I wanna open mine on Christmas morning, don’t you? If you want something more risque, then post your request. Hopefully, your Secret Santa will comply with your wishes.

  3. No one under 18 permitted to participate
    Quoth TubaDiva: “Sorry to be grinchy to the younger set, but due to the fact that minors shouldn’t give out their email addresses to strangers (and you have to admit, we’re all pretty strange), the Secret Santa must be limited to adults only.”
    How to Play:

Email me at (please use this instead of my regular email address)
Please include the following:

  1. Screen Name
  2. Real Name
  3. Mailing Address (including country)

I will then randomly assign the Secret Santas. I will forward your address only to your Secret Santa.


I am going to try to sort them by country/continent. Last year, we had a bit of a problem with slow international mails, so hopefully we can avoid that this year.
Deadline for participation:
I must receive your information by Friday, November 22. You will receive the name and address of your giftee by Wednesday, November 27.
A final thought:
If you aren’t absolutely sure that you’ll be able to get your gift in the mail on time, please be a sport and not participate. Don’t dissapoint your giftee.

This year, I’ll post the names of the people who have sent me their addresses so that they know that I have gotten their information.

I figure we don’t really need a separate Wish List thread. So, if you have a wish, post it here.

So, who’s in?

Sign me up for this Holiday Ex-trav-a-ganza!
Will advise on Wish List Wish.

Woo! The GeoBills are in!

Yes! I’m in!
My giftee last year never did figure out it was I,* yes I*, who sent the…
But that would be telling.

Hey, this is a lot of fun. Ho! Ho! Ho! Let’s go!

Yowza Boy Howdy! Put my name in the hat! :slight_smile:

So’m I. (I don’t speak for Airman, so if he wants to participate, I’ll let him sign up separately.)


I’m in!

This game rules! Let’s see if I can avoid the last-minute overnight shipping fees this year.


I too would like to join in. I’m a novice cook, so a little something for my kitchen arsenal would be nice. Some recipes to impress a woman with, perhaps… :wink:

Thanks for this wonderful opportunity.


I’ll play too! My e-mail is forthcoming…

Oh yeah! Email from the Dave-Guy goin’ out ASAP!

I’m in. Email is on the way.

Ooooh! My first SDMB Secret Santa… count me in!

I’m in.

I am soooo in. E-mail on the way.

Yup, moi aussi.

That’s french for hell yeah, I’m in.

I am in for the first time, but can we know if the recipient is male or female?

Me too!
Me too!

I’ve sent my email.
C’mon, EuroDopers, join me and save transatlantic mailing costs!

Yay! Presents! How can I say no?