Ask me anything.

I wanna know: Do four out of five dentists really recommend Trident for their patients who chew gum?

Also: Why am I so tired all the time?

He who smelt it: Dealt it?


What’s your deepest, innermost secret?

What’s the most embarassing thing that’s every happened to you?

(Hey, *somebody * had to raise the stakes!)

Who’s buried in Grant’s tomb?

The Hokey Pokey. That’s what it’s all about.

Just a bit to the left.

Actually, no. Only 2 have. The other two were drugged and happily complied.

And someone has been using a VooDoo Doll on you. It’s your one cousin on your mom’s side. That will explain your fatigue.

Not in all cases. Only about 40 percent of the time.


I find some males attractive although I wouldn’t consider myself bisexual or homosexual. Or maybe I just haven’t “come out” yet.

And about my embarassing moment:

I had gone camping when I was about 12. The next day, at school, I had to get up in front of the class (to this day I have no idea why) to tell everyone how it went. It was like a sadistic form of show and tell.

Anyway, I told them about the day and night. “At night it was boring…so I just went to bed”.

Only I didn’t say that. What I accidently said was, “At night it was boring…so I just wet the bed.

Cue the laughter and teasing.

I tried to recover and tell them that’s not what I meant to say, but do 6th graders ever listen to that excuse?

Hugh Grant.

(sorry, I confused the question with, who do you WISH was buried in Grant’s tomb?)

Why is the Fourth of July?
Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego?
Where’s Waldo?

What is your take in the recent efforts of Judge Alvin Hellerstein that can be summed up…

*Judge orders more Abu Ghraib photos released. A federal judge ruled that the risk the pictures might endanger soldiers was not more important than ensuring that government actions were open *

Personally I’d find it hard to deal with if a beheading video shows up and the killers attribute their rage to the new photos.

Really bad mojo if these are just more camera angles of the same naked pyramids and thumbs up photos everybody has already seen.

So mine is a two part question:

a) What’s your take on the situation in general?

b) Do judges and lawyers really feel absolved form personal guilt when their efforts can be directly attached to serious outcomes? This guy can say transparency is the most important thing and that’s his only concern. He can tell himself that murderous thugs will do what they do anyway and he has no part in that. But if a beheading happens and they killers say it’s for Abu Ghraib does the self serving bs thought process really hold up?

Who will be the next longtime SDMB member (as opposed to “Guest” posters or sock puppets) to be banned?

Could you stop by next door? CynicalGabe seems to have misplaced his checkbook. Have you seen it?

:smack: It always pays to read the whole thread :smack:

What’s the square root of orange?

Where is IdleThoughts? He has a lot to answer for! :wink:

My magic 8 ball broke :frowning: