I have lurked here for a while, and i believe i have a good “Ask The…” thread to do.
Its ask me, the Pro-Wrestler.
The only thing i wont tell you is my name, and my federation.
Ask away…
I have lurked here for a while, and i believe i have a good “Ask The…” thread to do.
Its ask me, the Pro-Wrestler.
The only thing i wont tell you is my name, and my federation.
Ask away…
forgot to mention, the questions can be about anything relating to me, i just threw the Wrestling thing in there so you would know a bit about me and give you more questions to ask.
Its 1am… sorry for any spelling/grammar errors…
So you do “WWE” type wrestling? Have you been on TV? What’s it like?
Also, maybe I’m morbid (or I just like hearing Nick Foley type stories), but what injuries have you gotten?
Are you famous?
Is steriods a problem in your industry?
If you aren’t famous, do you make a decent living?
Also, where you at? It’s 9:41am where I’m liv’n
Nifty, my ex was an aspiring pro-wrestler. He even joined one of the local Mexican leagues. His stage name was something along the lines of Captain White Boy (only in Spanish.)
No, I’m not kidding.
(This is assuming you’re a wrestler of the WWE type; ie. scripted, with storylines, designed for television)
Have you ever ‘bled’? Is it true that the wrestlers lie face down on the mat and made a deep slit in their foreheads with a small razor blade to create the ‘crimson mask’ effect? (Yes, that’s disgusting ) Or is the blood fake, with blood capsules and such?
How much does being slammed on the mat hurt? Everyone talks about how fake it is, and I know the ring is very padded, but it’s hard to tell. Does being slammed on your back wind you? Or can you not even feel it?
What are the fans actually like? Do you ever get heckled? Have you ever had objects thrown at you from the crowd?
Yes i do the WWE type wrestling (i.e Scripted). And i havent been on TV for wrestling
First of all its Mick Foley, and the only ‘major’ injury i have had is a cracked rib, someone just misjudged with an elbow drop off the top rope, it happens.
Nope, not famous. No outside of the local area anyway.
Steroids is a problem in the industry as a whole i would say, yes.
I make a living working Semi-Full time (about 4 full days a week) at ‘David Jones’… its a nationwide posh store really.
im in Sydney.
The Great Philosopher
General rule of thumb with bleeding: If its from the forehead, it is self inflicted*, if it is out of someones mouth then its capsules, and if it is from anywhere else it is an un-planned cut.
*Shallow cut with a razor blade, the term we use is “blading” or “juicing”. Aspirin helps the blood flow better (thinner) and gives a better effect
The mat does hurt to a degree, not every time but when your out there for 15-20 minutes being slammed onto it off another guys shoulders, it does get to you. Just bumps and bruises.
Fans are great, since i am a big time face (good guy, as opposed to a heel) i am the hero, so i never really get heckled.
Althought i used to be a heel, and i was heckled by the audience BIG TIME, and i loved every moment of it, afterall, if they hate me then im doing my job.
I havent been hit with anything hard, like batteries, or rocks or anything. Just like cups, empty cans and thats rare.
Sorry about the “Nick” thing-it’s been a while since I watched wrestling.
What’s your training regiment like? How big is wrestling in Sydney?
Do you know what the Mtv show “tough enough” is? If so, what are your thoughts about it?
Who’s your favorite wrestler and why?
SmoulderDash: Welcome to the Boards! My best friend from high school was in the biz, as an announcer (he announced for the XWF, X-treme Wrestling Federation, and his stage name was East Coast E).
Who writes your scripts? Do you, the wrestlers, have any say in them? Are your “scripts” detailed, or are they on the order of “Mr. X will win with such-and-such move, but how the rest of the bout pans out is up to you guys”?
Whoo hoo, my kind of thread!
I have some questions. In your educated opinion…
**What was the better federation, ECW or WWE?
More impressive move - Van Dam’s Van Terminator or Lesnar’s Shooting Star Press?
Montreal Episode - Work or Shoot?**
Do you follow the Internet Wrestling Community? Ever read Hyatte, Flea, CRZ, Scaia or even Sean Shannon? How about
I’ve seen this “Van Dam” character. I think he would be a whole lot better (not that he isn’t good already) if he spoke with Van Damme’s accent. I swear, he looks like Van Damme, does moves like him, it’s like, come on, where’s the accent, you know?
Just my 2 cents.
What do you think of JCW (Juggalo Championshit Wrestling).
Who’s your favorite WWE (or whatever) wrestler?
Ewww, no. That would be Bad.
What percentage of pro-wrestlers, if any, are homosexual?
Damn fine questions Hardygrrl (but it goes without saying that the ECW was the better fed).
My own:
What do you think of celebrities (like Rodman) making a short time appearance in the ring?
What was the worse gimmick, Red Rooster of the Dog?
Red Rooster or the Dog? Pfft… you’re forgetting the GobbledyGooker. And WCW was better than both if you conveniently forget '98 through mid '00
Meatros, how big is WWE outside of the US? Stateside, it’s all that most people know, even the casual fans.
Do you aspire to ‘hit it big’ and get a call from McMahon? Or would you rather go the puro route and wrestle for All Japan, NOAH, and so on?
What style do you wrestle? i.e. heavyweight, garbage, technical, hardcore, cruiserweight, etc.
Are you a jobber? Midcarder? Main Eventer?
What’s your finishing move?
Interresting thread! I’m following it but have no questions not already answered at present (besides the two you said you wouldn’t answer, that is).
But I laughed out loud at Splanky’s typo:
Better than the chicken- variety, I suppose!
Originally posted by gobear
From what I know, and I do have some connections…a few. The only one I will mention by name since he’s out is senior WWE official Pat Patterson. Until the rest come out, I’ll respect their privacy.
Originally posted by Bubba Ray
Well, duh.
When Heyman showed up on Raw, I marked out. When Tommy Dreamer and Rob Van Dam ran down the ramp during the Invasion, I marked out to the point of calling a friend at work and having this conversation :
“Operations, Craig speaking”
“Tanya…take a deep breath. Sit down and ummm, relax”
“Deep breaths. Have a cigarette. And calm down about ten notches.”
Love wrestling? Just a tad. And I Was There when Jericho debuted with the WWE, so neener neener
Wrestling isnt overly huge in Sydney.
My training is mostly weight training, with some cardio and a little aerobics aswell.
Yeah, i know abot Tough Enough. Apparently lots of WWE wrestlers think that the wrestlers should “pay their dues” to the business, but if someones got talent, why not give them the opportunity?
Probably Diamond Dallas Page, if you have read his autobiography (doubt it…) you will see how devoted he was to the wrestling business, it is very inspiring.
Our scripts, such as interviews and promo’s (chewing another guy out) are mostly written by us wrestlers, but we are told where they would like us to go in the interview (demand a match etc)
Its most often just ‘Mr X will win with this move’ but also with things like high spots added into it. A Highspot is something like, an interferance from another wrestler, and using tables and stuff.
WWE was more about making money, ECW was more about giving people what they want. Sure ECW wanted money aswell, and for WWE to get money they had to give the fans what they wanted (relatively) but thats how i see it.
Both moves are quite impressive, but a Shooting Star Press is quite difficult to pull off, where as the Van Terminator’s hardest factor is getting you across the ring, which can be easy with a different top rope installed.
Montreal… shoot.
I read the daily News and Rumors, but i rarely read columns.
Rajahwwf.com and 1Wrestling.com are the sites i visit.
Also, would you be interested in contacting me regarding the homosexual wrestlers? Because this befuddled me… At least some clues?..Im not forcing you though.
JCW isnt really a fed to the best of my knowledge, i thought they just took Japanese Garbage (extreme hardcore, things like fire and glass and explosions and stuff, with little actual wrestling) and did commentary for it?
If not, i am not informed enough about JCW (i havent seen a tape) to make an opinion.
In the WWE, there is only one openly homosexual wrestler, Pat Patterson (i thought there was one more though). Take that for what its worth.
Bubba Ray
Celebrities appearing in the ring is ok, if they take it seriously.
And the Gooker is definately more WrestleCrap(.com) than the other gimmicks.
WWE is pretty big, but not overly huge.
They sold out a Melbourne, non-televised event in 2 days, and that was something like 55,000+ seats.
I am not in Wrestling for a career, i am in wrestling for fun and the social experience. that doesnt mean im not totally devoted to it, but im not going to try to get into the WWE, as it would probably turn out to be a waste of time… But if Mcmahon called me, and offered me a contract the deal would already be done.
I am a Midcard Cruiserweight.
My finisher is a Diamond Cutter.
Uh…I wouldn’t know. I’m in Virginia.
Although I have visited the Caymen Islands a few times, WWE doesn’t seem to have a following there…although there isn’t much of a channel selection there…