Asking him/her out... tell me your story.

One, a co-worker. She was model-beautiful (literally, she’s a model), seemed nice enough, and I had nothing at all going for me, so I thought, “what the hell.” I put on a nice polo shirt, came in to the store, began sweating profusely, and beckon the other meat department worker to get her attention.

I ask, “Hey, I was just wondering if you wanted to go see a movie or something.”

She says, “Oh, well, thanks, but I have a boyfriend… he’s in Hawaii.”

“Ah, well, we won’t have to tell him then.” (yes, I was joking.)

“(laughs) No, I don’t think so.”

Obviously it didn’t go exactly the way I wanted, but I thought it went OK. I told this story when I went to visit my friend at college, and all of her friends thought my reply to the putdown was the ballsiest thing ever.

And I still see her once in a great while, everything’s cool, and I ended up meeting the boyfriend breifly once.

Another time, I was at work, and ended up striking up a conversation with a lovely young woman who I was making a sandwich for. Rare, because I’m not particularly social at work. I’d learned she was new to the area, got a job at the friendly local diner up the street and such. So the time comes to ring her up, and in the middle of that , she blurts out, “You want me to give you my phone number?”

…It was only a split second before the next words came out of her mouth, but oh, how fast the brain works…

“Oh, no, wait, you guys don’t have a Club Card.” *


Tell your awkward, clever, funny, psychotic asking-out stories.

*-If that didn’t make sense, many grocery store allow a customer to either punch in their phone number on the ATM pad, or tell it to the cashier, when they don’t have their Club Card on them, so they can still pay the Card prices.

No takers?

Here ya go:

Saturday night, went out to a club (I’m 20) drank a few with friends who have recently finished university finals. Ok I had quite a bit to drink. So we go to a restaurant afterwards at about 3:30AM to eat. We are sitting there and there are 3 girls at a table nearby. I decide to impose and go sit with them. I’m extremely sociable and have never been slapped or anything from girls. So I stroll over and plop down say hi and start talking. Eventually all of my friends came to sit with me and the girls. Well I keep talking to this one blue eyed brunette and I’m not one to ask a girl for her number because that is too lame and ordinary. My buddy mentions out loud so everyone can hear that I should get her number… So I tell him just to chill and my food comes. I of course am drunk and eat like a pig. I dip my burger in ketchup and have to wipe my face after every bite. After we keep talking. Out of the blue she nudges me and hands me a piece of paper. Well how’s that! A girl giving me her number! You dont see that too often! So I tuck it away and smile. Then we all want to go and my buddy decides that he is not letting me out of my seat until I ask her for her number.(he’s a running back in football so I’m basically stuck) and I tell him, “Bud I already got it”. He made me show it to him because he didnt believe me.

So boy was I happy.
So I call her tonight, “this number is not in service”.
I can only laugh at myself :slight_smile:

I should mention, despite my own stories, that these need not be rejection stories.

Bummer, Ryan, that really sucks. Don’t you love it when buddies speak for you to the ladies?

The short version of getting to know someone and asking him out on a date was that I went on a group trip to get to know him better. Wasn’t given the opportunity to talk with him much but he finally knew my name and I had a reason to call since he actually knew me more than he did before. Fast forward two weeks I call him and ask him out for a ride. He says he’s going out of town and he’ll call me back. One week passes I feel dejected because he probably forgot. I email him and he finally replies and we agree to go for a ride the next day. I get to his place and there is confusion. Why is she asking me out? But we had a lovely time and a long date. * Those were the days and is not something I think I’ll try again. *

This story is from high school. Don’t hold that against me.

After the last class of the day, I usually had to hang around school a few hours until Mom got off work. Then, she and I would ride home together. While waiting one day, shortly before homecoming, a girl I’d seen around (and rather wanted to get to know; she had beautiful long red hair) was also hanging around the school. She looked upset, so I asked her why.

She told me that she was all set to go to homecoming, had bought the tickets and the dress and had the dinner reservations and the hairdresser’s appointment, but the guy she was supposed to go with had cancelled on her. I told her, “If I can find a tuxedo my size in two days, I’ll go with you.” I had no other paper, so I had her write her number on a dollar bill I had.

And, I found a tuxedo in my size in two days (no small feat, I’m not an easy fit off the rack). I also found a corsage with a copper ribbon that went marvelously with her dress and hair.

We had a nice time, and we were off and on for almost 4 years after that, until I went away to college.

I was lucky enough in highschool to get asked out by a girl so the first time I had to do the asking was at my first job. I think I got the tidiest rejection ever. Said smiling “Sorry, but I don’t think my fiance would like that.”

How could I feel bad after a rejection like that? :slight_smile: