1800, Wednesday, 22 December 1999
Kelly’s Tavern (General Booth Blvd., a mile and a half south, past Dam Neck Road, next to Regal Cinemas, Va. Beach)
Should any other dopers be in the area, I’m extending an open invitation to (as they say down here) y’all.
ChiefScott shall be attired in my nattiest tie-dye, GBS will shine (as always)…
RSVP via email (for table reservation and possible quarantine).
December 13, 1999, 5:56pm
ARGH!!! Chief! I can’t make it, you twit! I have to fly out the next day to Memphis! From DC! And I have to work!
grumble Of course…I COULD just drive back late that night…
“There is no worse lie than a truth misunderstood by those who hear it.” - William James
December 14, 1999, 6:01am
Rats! On the 22nd I’m flying from Memphis to Raleigh (waving to Falcon from plane window) and then driving up to DC. I’d love to meet some of you folks, since I appear to live in an outpost. Sighhhhh…
December 14, 1999, 4:25am
Well, Chief, looks like Satan ain’t comin’ either. Hmmm, let me rephrase that…
December 14, 1999, 1:41pm
Ya know I’ll be there Chief…that’s next Wednesday right?..(glancing at calander)…Shouldn’t be a problem…fiance will probably be in attendance…I’ll be coming straight from work, so I have no idea what I’ll be in…but I’ll find ya…
It looks like there’re four of us, unless there’s anyone else coming into the area for the holidays. If not, I’ll forgo reservations…
…Anyone else?
December 15, 1999, 4:25pm
Alas Chief…I can’t make it down the 22nd. However, I’ll try after the new year, before you leave on deployment. I will make it down there, dammit!
“There is no worse lie than a truth misunderstood by those who hear it.” - William James
December 15, 1999, 5:33pm
Yeah Chief, just us…Don’t be discouraged if I’m a little late…I drive in from Suffolk, and have to stop by and pick up my Fiance’
Last chance!
I leave the area at 1315 today but will be coming back for the meeting. Any final takers?
We are doing this.
This is happening.
The reservations have been made.
All is readied.