Audio Ads - two in a row!

Got one in the general forum page that linked back to this youtube page:

And then when I opened ATMB to mention it, I got one from Dell/Intel!!

Really really really annoying.

Details - not clicking on them, they are at the bottom of the pages, and start automatically upon loading the page.

Fortunately I don’t get ads here, but I certainly get them at other sites and the first thing I do is shut down that site. I can’t STAND audio ads. Whoever thought they were a good idea should be severely whipped. They get people in trouble, they disrupt other activities, they startle you, they wake up your spouse, they overpower the music/youtube/TV you’re listening to… so many negatives and what positive? They get attention. Usually very negative attention. So who thought this was a good thing? They should be required to be opted in for ad-serving services. Having them randomly show up on a site where you don’t expect it–and worse, neither do TPTB at that site…that’s just bad.