Just loaded this page, and I get an advert on my speakers for Harpic, completely unrelated to any of the visible adverts, so no way to mute it. Worse it seems to play on a loop. This has happened on a few other SDMB pages to me recently as well.
Have you checked the very bottom of the page? When I was a Guest, some videos with sound used to load down there sometimes.
Anyone else getting audio ads here on the Dope? It just started last night and only happens twice then stops. I think it is for dishwasher soap. I don’t see an ad up or any place to turn it off.
Note: I have merged this thread from GQ with an existing one in ATMB.
General Questions Moderator
ok thanks
This doesn’t happen to me on the SDMB (where, as they say, membership has its privileges), but it has been happening on another website. I’m using Chrome browser and AdBlock, but I still get the audio. Its annoying as hell.
Yup. Me too. I’m a guest, but I don’t know if that is relevant or not.
Are you using Chrome. I just logged in using my daughters laptop and Fire Fox and it did not happen.
Yes, I am using Chrome.
I’m using AdBlockPlus for Chrome, and I never see an ad.