Auntie Em for Moderator

Ladies and gentlemen;
I humbly submit that Auntie Em should be considered for moderator.

Not only is she a master (mistress?) story teller (for those of you who have been on the moon for the past few weeks, see threadspotting.), her posts are insightful, intelligent and frequently lmao funny. She manages to handle disputes well and without insult to any involved party (thanks, luv). Everyone defers to Auntie Em.

For the above reasons, as well as some I’ve probably forgotten, I hereby nominate Auntie Em for mod.

(Yes, Skip, I know I didn’t mention you even once. We know the lady has good taste, too.)

Maureen, you are incredibly kind, and I’m truly humbled by your admiration.

I feel a Halle Berry Moment coming on. :wink:

Not a Sally Field moment? :wink:

No, she feels like she’d about to have an awkward, uncomfortable sex scene with Billy Bob Thornton, earning her an oscar more out of pity than anything else.

Well, I hate to admit it, but I wouldn’t pass up the chance to have awkward, uncomfortable sex with Billy Bob Thornton.

But maybe that’s just me.

I’m terribly confused. Are they looking for a new Mod? I hadn’t heard anything about it.

Just what’s going on here, missy?

Nope. Not that I know of. I just wanted to put it out there. She did something really nice for me. Plus, I think she’d make a great moderator.

I thought she felt like she was about to be kissed by Adrian Brody.

Yay! Finally.

A pretty moderator!

::runs away from the BANNED stick::

Sorry - apparently I misunderstood auntie em. What she meant was that she turned down the chance to reprise her role in the third thread of the wildly successful “Missing Coworker” franchise because she fears being typecast and losing her indie thread credibility.

Or possibly that after a bad experience posting naked in a John Travolta thread, she now demands contractual agreements that state that she will not be obliged to post naked, even in threads about James Bond.

Hey! I’m pretty! Especially when I’m wearing my wife’s underwear!

– Ukulele Ike, the littlest moderator

I’m going to be sick… Nasty evil Bad visual.



::taps banned stick ominously into palm::
And you can run how fast, little mister? Would you care to explain that remark more fully to me, Gaudere, TudaDiva and Lynn and “Cousin Vinny” Bodoni?
[sub]I love it when they whimper in fear.[/sub]



::runs, screaming and crying, from extra-large BANNED log::

If Auntie Em is going to be a real mod, someone needs to start a Pit thread calling her a jack-booted Nazi.

Oh, my. :eek: **Skip, ** does Auntie Em own…never mind. I don’t want to know!!

Why yes, yes I would. But, um… if auntie em catches me chatting with yous udda women and she’ll corner me, stare me staright in the eye and [spoiler]


Well, apparently she’ll make me lose control of sentence structure. Oh, and spelling: that’s out the door, too.

See? Not a moderator and still all-powerful.

I don’t know about this.

I mean, we’ve all heard the echoes in her vagina…

Could the men take her seriously if they know about that or will they be drifting off to mattress spelunking?

Could the women take her seriously whilst their thoughts turn to kegels.
