Average looking redheads?

Is it just me, or are redheaded women either ugly or drop dead gorgeous? The only “average” looking one I can think of is Kathy Griffin, but she’s so damn annoying that she drops into the ugly category.

Well, I have a thing for redheads, they’re all dropdead gorgeous to me. I do have a weight limit however, YMMV. Kathy Griffin needs a mute button.


Didn’t K. Griffith have some interview recently where talked about having massive amounts of whole body plastic surgery (inc tons of lipo) done in the last year or so?

Since I’m female I really don’t have much of an opinion on redheaded women (except for myself, who am of course drop dead gorgeous LOL) but redheaded men are either handsome as hell or butt-ugly. There is no middle ground.

what category do I fit in?

Wouldn’t Ron Howard (Richie Cunnigham) be the middle ground? He’s not really handsome but he isn’t ugly either.

Though I recently dyed my hair dark brown, my natural colour is red, and I do believe I’m average. I’m (begrudgingly admitting) not a dog, but not drop dead gorgeous, for certain. Pretty average.

What about that girl, I forget her name; She was the one on the “American Pie” movies. The one that wound up eventually marring ‘dork face’ in “American Wedding”

She’s rather average in my opinion.

That would be average looking Alyson Hannigan.
(one time at Band Camp she put a flute in her pussy)

Rose, you’re eat up with cute. Wish you lived next door.

Now let’s not get started on Willow…

Alyson Hannigan??? WILLOW??? AVERAGE??? Sir, I respectfully disagree, and challenge you to a duel!

Alyson Hannigan: Certainly above average
Angie Everheart: Far, far above average

Bozo the Clown: Below average

You got that right. It’s either Damien Lewis or Carrot Top.

I hope that is a Whoosh or you’ll will have a small army at your door wishing to defend her Honor. This board is littered with Geeks/FanBoys who think she is a absolute knock out.


(A geek who would a least support the army verbally, she is a knockout)

My sister is a redhead, and I’d say she’s cute, but average, not drop-dead-gorgeous. And way, way far from ugly.

I’ve dyed my hair red (from it’s natural blonde) and I’d say I’m average. But I’m going back to blonde again in a bit. I’ll still be average.

Yowza. I’ll take that average.

I dunno, I think there are a lot of average looking redheads out there (I’m pretty average although I’m can be considered almost cute from the right angles). Speaking about real redheads, not the dyed variety. Thing is, the other things that go with beng a real redhead like skin color, freckles, light eye lashes are not considered conventionally attractive and generally take a little work to be moved into the “attractive” category.

Plus, in my experience, guys are either nuts for redheads and find almost all redheads attractive purely on the basis of hair color even if they are average or they don’t particularly care for redheads and are only attracted to the most striking ones.