Awww ... that's a shame

Pakistani protestor burning the U.S. flag catches fire.
Where can I send a get-well card?

My mom - “Haha, fucker.”


Gee. That could almost be construed as a Sign from God !!
But they probably won’t see it like that.

**Milo, you are one cold sumbitch.


If thinking that this asshole got what he deserved and chuckling over what can only be described as near-divine justice is cold, then put a carrot on my nose and call me Frosty. I thought it perfect irony.


What Fenris said.

<Alanis Morrisette>

“It’s lighting the flag on fire, and toasting your ass. . .”

</Alanis Morrisette>



Hey, Fenris, I don’t have a problem with the OP, but I find the idea of sticking a carrot up your nose oddly arousing, so can I do that anyway?

That was an alternate take, wasn’t it? I think it even kinda fits…

This is the funniest news I have heard in a while. Heh. Some people… I wonder if his friends will view him as a hero, now? :rolleyes:

Thank you for that bit of news! I don’t think I’ve laughed that hard in at least a week…

Well… I guess we can go ahead and stop arguing about flag-burning laws, because that flag bites back…



It depends…will you read something by Heinlein to me while you do it? Yowza!


He Fought the Flag

In Quetta, Pakistan in the hot sun
He fought the Flag and the Flag won
He fought the Flag and the Flag won
He got some gas with a siphon
He fought the Flag and the Flag won
He fought the Flag and the Flag won

He hated the U.S.Aaaa-aaa-aaaa
And burned the U.N. Children’s Fund
Fate frowned on his horseplay
He fought the Flag and the Flag won
He fought the Flag and the Flag won

He was the Taliban’s henchman
He fought the Flag and the Flag won
He fought the Flag and the Flag won

Now he is a crispy-baked bedouin
He fought the Flag and the Flag won
He fought the Flag and the Flag won

Sonny (Fenris) Curtis

Oh. My. Lord.


Serious burns, like the kind you get when your clothes are ablaze, are terrible. They are to pain what Stonehenge is to rocks, what CarrotTop is to unfunny. We’re talking agony here.

A flag is a piece of cloth, nothing more. Our flags, thier flag, anybody’s flag. America, the dream of equality before the law, the dream of freedom, is worthy of our respect, even our veneration. But don’t confuse the symbol with the reality.

This guy? Best guess, ignorant, confused, ill-informed. And wrong, of course. None of these things is worthy of the agony of burning.

On the other hand, I laughed when they shot Ol’ Yeller. So I’m probably an asshole too. But I’m working on it.

I can’t believe that you people find this amusing.

Hilarious? Well, yeah. Side splitting funny? Sure. But amusing?

Okay, that too.
Thanks Milo. :slight_smile:

Bull. Did you read the article? This cretin was part of a mob that set “ablaze the U.N. Children’s Fund compound, the central police station, movie theaters, a bank and other buildings in the city of 800,000.” in favor of the most anti-Woman…hell-anti-Human regime in recent memory. Frankly the fucker got what he deserved, and in an incredibly ironic way. If only more of them had been ignited…


Wrongo. Ignorance is always worthy of burning. Well maybe not “worthy,” how about “symbiotic with?” In the words of a great Stone Age philosopher, who’s name escapes me right now, “FIRE BAD!!!”(Yes, everyone spoke English in Stone Age.)
Geez, he burned himself with a U.S. flag, while expressing his hatred for me and my way of life, and you want me to feel sorry for him? Naah.
If a picture says a thousand words the first picture on top of the story says two thousand. The first one thousand words are all “Doh!” followed by “OW!”

Instead of rioting in the streets of Pakistan and attacking innocent people, perhaps those Taliban-supporting fartknockers should head on over to Afghanistan and try to make a difference? I’m sure the Taliban could use all the help they can get ;)(not that it’d make the slightest difference against our special forces)