B&G pickles?

I saw them in a local “Big Lots” store. Are they different than “regular” (Mt. Olive, Vlasic) pickles? They’re not particularly common in these parts, and I thought about buying a jar just for the novelty.

It’s a pretty common brand up in this neck of the woods. Nothing special; just ordinary pickles.

Yup, it’s the standard brand in NYC markets. Us pickle cognoscenti ignore them and go down to Essex Street to buy our half-sours out of the barrel.

But Bubbies Pure Kosher Dills are an acceptable substitute. Who’da thought that a San Franciscan could make a good dill pickle?

I think that the whole purchasing of food at Big Lots is where the real novelty comes in. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m a vlasic spear gal myself, can’t get enough.

I have found some interesting (and good!) food at Big Lots. For a while, they had these cans of marinated stuffed grape leaves that was delicious. I miss them.

I guess it’s the whole idea of purchasing a bed, a lego set and marinated stuffed grapes at the same time.

But i clearly stand corrected…

You can do that at Super Target or Wal-Mart Supercenter now, and the grocery section at Super Target is actually really NICE.

The best pickles I’ve ever had were from a Big Lots! type place. This was some 20 years ago and I still have no idea what brand they were. The label was in Polish.

B&G does have a distinctive flavor, you would not generally mistake it for a Vlasic. They do make a good pickle, though.

The boyfriend lives and dies for Big Lots, and for awhile there he was buying this crazy chocolate vitamin soft drink from Arizona Tea they had - you know, how they always have stuff that failed miserably on the shelves anywhere else? Well, I tried it on a dare, and while it’s sort of an acquired taste, it’s really good.

I still don’t do my grocery shopping at Big Lots, but I’ll cautiously try the crazy stuff he brings home now.

This might just turn into a thread about Big Lots! and similar stores that move a lot of product close-out-type stuff.

I have a Big Lots! store half a block from my workplace. I generally get there a couple of times per week on my lunch hour, usually for comestibles. In fact, my huevos rancheros for breakfast this morning were made possible by my having picked up three dozen tortillas yesterday.

Now try Canfield’s Diet Chocolate Fudge or Diet Cherry Chocolate Fudge sodas. Liquid chocolate covered cherries and no calories!