Bachelor Bob vs. Average Adam

Okay, Kids, for your money, who is more contemptible, Bob Guiney from the Bachelor, or Adam Mesh from Average Joe?

My vote is for Adam, because he went a lot farther in the eliminations, and knows what its like for the chooser to opt for style over substance; and yet, that’s exactly what he did.

Bachelor Bob is still a dope, just a lesser dope.

Any thoughts?

Chris W

First off, I think Rachel was infinitely more attractive than Samantha, but obviously Adam thought otherwise. So far, every choice on these Average X shows has been a huge disappointment. Even the Joes go for “style” over substance, though I think Samantha is cheesy and nasty. Rachel was great.

Her daydream about their future involves going to Barney’s together? WTF!

I will never watch another one.

In Adam’s defense, I gotta say that Rachel’s “I’m so much better than she is!” speech, which she made on the bus after she didn’t get picked, made me wanna bitch-slap her.

And compare the two meet-the-parents encounters:

SAMANTHA: “Family is important to me.”
ADAM’S MOM: “Uh huh. Riiiiiight. Suuuuuure. C’mon, that’s such a fake-sounding line!”

RACHEL: “Family is important to me.”
ADAM’S MOM: “Oh, that’s so beautiful! sob Let’s start planning your wedding!”

:rolleyes: It’s like both Samantha and Rachel were trying to “say the right things,” but Rachel was just able to do a more convincing sell-job.

Neither will I, Lib. I’m done.

I don’t understand what Adam was thinking. Oh wait, yes I do. :rolleyes:

After the first Average Joe, and again after Average Joe II: Hawaii, a lot of people came down pretty hard on both women because they both picked the pretty-boy. One person’s complaint was, “She picked him just because she wants to fuck him.”

But my thought was, “What’s wrong with that?”

Now, it merely looks as though Adam has done the same. He feels sparks with Samantha that he just doesn’t feel with Rachel. Why not pick her? Why insist that he practice some kind of relationship self-denial just because Rachel seems (from what the show’s editors have let us see) to possibly be a better long-term match?

One word: CHLOE

He said himself that he went after the girl he thought looked hotter. The only reason he got this show is because America thought that he was a victim of exactly that kind of mindset. Yeah, joke’s on us. We know.