Back to the grind in the MMP

Made blackened bacon with a cheddar jack omelet and hashbrowns for brunch. Time to take Gordie out before work.

What’s the windchill? :stuck_out_tongue: :wink:

Does “blackened bacon” mean you burned it??


Lunch is over. I still haven’t gotten anything to do. I overheard the boss talking with someone about the fact that there’s not a lot of mechanical drafting right now. Swell…

Quadruple blurf, even halfway through the day.

The perky project manager wants to have a meeting to get back on track after the holidays. Reasonable, but I’m not feeling reasonable. I’m still half-sick with bronchitis. I could use 3 more days off, really.

I hate everyone and everything. Blurgh.

ETA: The prednisone isn’t helping. It makes me feel really stabby.

Did things backwards this morning.

I started the washer before unloading the dishwasher and starting to cook. I didn’t know the washer won’t roll after you start a load, now I can’t get into a drawer and cabinet I need.

big kitty, I’m glad your automotiveproblems are easily and inexpensively solved.

doggio, I made blackened bacon one morning this weekend. Set off the smoke detector, it did. :smiley:

I just finished project one of two on the slate today. And it’s winter again in middle Tennessee.

Prednisone is an evil drug.

I got something to do! It took all of 2 minutes from when I checked the drawing out to when I uploaded the PDF - I had to edit one line of text. So there’s that.

Just under 2 hours to go…

I’m thinking about throwing myself a birthday party, just because. The problem is potential bad weather, but what the heck - why not? Jan 23 - all are invited! I have 2 spare beds and a couch for those with long drives. :smiley:

I am very busy at irk today; our daily status meeting was 25 mins long & I’ve had two send two emails & accept a meeting for Friday. Of course, one of the emails was to say you sent your meeting invite to the wrong person. :rolleyes:

Wanna trade? I’ve got 28F with a wind chill of 16F. On my lunchtime run I decided I need some new, higher socks as there’s about 1/4" between the top of the sock & the bottom of my tights. Did I mention it was 16F!!!

Yanno, mebbe a second run…away from Surly Rabbit is in order! :eek:
Does anyone know the phone # of King Arthur? It seems we have a killer bunny rabbit & may need the Holy Hand Grenade!

We finally get to see the (not so new) countertops?!?!?

And dammit, it works SO WELL!

Also ironically, it makes me look fabulous. My skin is perfect, porcelain with a pale-pink glow. But I want to strangle or yell at everyone around me.

Probably a good plan!

Can you use the coconuts for horses hooves sounds?

Yanno, just the other day I was thinking about that party that never was… This sounds like a good reason to put the granite cleaner on the counters again. :smiley:

Got to do one more drawing correction. yay productivity… :stuck_out_tongue:

Got to work this morning to find out that we were being moved across the room. Finished a little bit of drawing work then moved and reattached and resorted my computer and other belongings. I could have waited for building services to do it, but who knows when that would have happened. Now my leg aches. I don’t hate my new location, but I used to have a window seat and now I’m landlocked. Plus the department head is just around the corner, and next week the division head will be nearby, too. Could be good, could be a pain, don’t know yet. Lots o’ changes going on around here, seems to be good ones, though. Looking forward to review time. My supervisor told me that my name came up a lot during their bonus decision-making meetings.

NYE sucked because TheElf was being an ass. I slept nearly all day NYD. Saturday was awesome and included a nice long shopping trip with my sister. (I don’t get on The Dope much during the weekends, so just catching up.)

Happy New Year all.

In lieu of a bonus, you received a new seat!

So there was a little knock on the door and I said come in. It was the Director and Lucky Louie was in my lap. He had a look of shock on his face but I just said “hubby is out of town so I had to bring him”. He didn’t say anything else. He just asked me to follow him out to his vehicle where he presented me with a calendar with his photography on it. :eek: If’n he don’t like it I can stay home.

Woke up this morning with a sore throat, itchy eyes, and upset tummy. I think it’s some kind of “funny” virus. Yay.

Working from home. I love the Internets. Answering email without infecting everyone is awesome.

Weather - high 59, rain. Rain for the next 10 days in fact. But we can’t say the drought is over because we haven’t erased the water deficit yet. or something. I think that the weather guys are playing fast and loose with which definition of drought they are using. They’d have more credibility if they stopped saying we’re in a drought when it’s raining every day.

Stoopid virus. My nose is runny too. Bleargh.

So last week it was in the 70s, and today there were flurries.

N.C. weather, brought to you by Sybil.

I’d like an new chair at least! This one hurts my butt. :slight_smile:

Based on absolutely no expertise at all, I’d guess the definition of drought is related to the available water supply in whatever reservoirs or lakes supply your area, or aquifers, or whatever. Those usually take a LOT of water to come back to non-drought levels.

OK, it’s official. I’m having a party. Saturday, Jan 23. All are invited - PM me for specifics. Late afternoon till whenever. I figure if I start now, the place will be clean enough by then.


Howdy Y’all! I survived my first day back at irk. Go Me! I spent much of the day gettin’ end of December stuff together so as to prepare both monthly and quarterly reports. I also set up some appointments to enroll some new folk over the next couple of weeks. I need to ratchet up enrollments in the west and southwest forty especially. Sounds like fun does it not?

OYKW called a few minutes ago. He should be leavin’ irk about now and is goin’ to swipe The General’s dindin. I have a gnawin’ and a cravin’ for The General’s dindin, so yay.

Y’all have been a right yakkity bunch today. I read all but my retention is not so good right now. So, yays, boos, hugs, noogies, wedgies, trouts, chitlins, woohoos and howyou doin’s as needed.

ETA MOOOOOOM you best hurry. The sooner you inform people of your gift registries, the sooner the loots start to pour. :smiley:

Depends on if I can find an African swallow to carry them.

**swampy **- there shall be no registries and there better not be loots. I just want smiling faces to light up my house! :smiley: