Moanday Means A New MMP

Someone commented that I exhaust them with my schedule.

[li]In the past THREE days, I’ve seen (& taken photos of) all THREE sunrises & THREE sunsets. [/li][li]Had THREE flights. [/li][li]Put over THREE hundred miles on the car (just driving around place to place, not going away somewhere.)[/li][li]Ran six (2 x THREE) miles.[/li][/ul]
IOW, only a slightly busier than average weekend. :eek:
Now you know why I look forward to sleeping in & going to irk on Moanday. :frowning:
So give me THREE reasons why you should take this MMP off in a tangent (which really means two reasons if you say “Hi” to a certain color/person).

Good Mornin’ Y’all! Up and caffeinatin’. YAWN Went to bed early last night and pulled an all nighter (didn’t get up even once to pee!) so I am all awake and refreshed. ‘Tis 71 Amurrkin out and dark (TWPTB say clear, but it’s dark) with a predicted high of 91 and a fifty percent chance of rain/tstorms/apocalypse this afternoon. This evenin’ is men’s night over to the church house so steaks are marinatin’ and beer is chillin’. Also today is spiff da cave day. Rah.

Now I need more caffeine and rumbly tummy wants sustenance. Then onward into the day.

OK, so what y’all wanna talk about this week? Hijack away!

Happy Moanday Y’all!

First! It’s good to be juvenile!:smiley:

  1. Cause I can
  2. Cause I want to
  3. Cause it’s here

Good enough reasons?

Also I did not notice this until I posted another MMP. Maybe a nice mod will wander by and merge the two.

W00T! First in the 2nd MMP!

  1. Because keeping an MMP on topic is like herding cats
  2. swampy already hijacked it.
  3. Hi Opal!
    Up, caffeinated, off to work. Double today.

Good morning!

I have never had a job that invaded my dreams as much as this one - it’s weird! Last night, I kept waking up trying to figure out how to do a particular drawing. It wasn’t anything like I normally do here, and I guess that’s why it was so distressing that I couldn’t figure it out. It’s not like I’m stressed, either - this is a relatively easy, fun job. I dunno…

Foggy commute this morning, and we’re threatened with temps in the mid-90s and heat indices over 100. Thank goodness for air conditioning! Roxy gets her first shots today and I hope my daughter gets a note in the baby’s file that I’ll be allowed to take her to the Dr if necessary.

Speaking of Roxy - DANG does that kid have clothes!!! There were a lot of onesies from showers and baby gifts - ranging from newborn sizes to 18 month size. My brother’s SO went crazy and sent her a huge bag of stuff, and she’s also gotten a box of hand-me-downs. Then this weekend, her husband’s stepfather had family in town and they met Roxy for the first time on Saturday. The kids were asked to come back again on Sunday where they were given even more clothes for her!!

Unfortunately, my niece’s baby is a boy, so that limits what could be shared with him, plus he was a little bigger than Roxy at birth - for all I know, he may be bigger than she is now. We’ll find out on July 4. And that’s all the baby news for now.

Happy Moanday!

Happy Moonday!

It’s a dark 68 degrees outside, supposed to get up into the 90s.
We turned the AC on yesterday but I may open a window for a bit this morning.
It’s supposed to go back down into the 70s on Firday, weird weather.

Probably going to mow the front postage stamp today since we are in for a mess of rain starting Hump Day.
I’m also going to push my son to put mulch down in the front again. I looked so nice last year but the weeds are pushing through again and it is hard to mow and trim under the crepe myrtle. I don’t have any newspaper to put down but we have some cardboard boxes we can cut up to fit.

I have an online training class at 11 this morning. I have my doubts about it but we will see. I looked up the company online and it is legit, however they sent me an invitation to join their message board and that costs $5 a month. Not a lot of money but I would expect a company message board to be free.

1 It’s what we do
2 Three is odd and the Monk in me says even is better
3 Opal is not a color

There can be only one. :dubious:

Cupcakes, so excited for you that your fur baby is doing better and is coming home today!

I’m back at work after a hot, humid weekend. The kiddos “took” my husband out to see Incredibles 2 yesterday. It was a fun romp. Not sure if it was worth 14 years of waiting, but still a fun movie. It was Romeo Jr.'s first “big boy” movie. He was pretty good, but I’m glad there were lots of other families with kids there.

It’s 1009 on a Monday morning. I’m still in my sweats, my butt is on the couch, Miss Rooney is sleeping next to me, and I don’t really have to go anywhere or do anything until this afternoon, when I have to drop a check and some paperwork off with the football coach (the sprog is a) a sophomore and b) on the football team. Saints preserve us.) and go to the pharmacy. I have nothing to do this week except impart my love of ham radio to some Boy Scouts at camp tomorrow night and Wednesday. I might have ice cream with a friend on Thursday, but that’s it. No other plans have been made, hard, soft, or otherwise.

I love vacation!

Lunch time! I actually worked about 15 min past my usual break time. Guess that makes me a dedicated professional, huh? :smiley:

I am not impressed with the company at all.

The training session was supposed to start at 11 so I switched my irk hours to end at 10. I know damn well that if I irked until 11, I would get a call at 10:58 that wouldn’t end until 11:30.
I got an email from the company saying the session is postponed because the presenter is out sick. I could choose a new time but I think whoever sent that email had their AMs and PMs mixed up.
I decided to take a nap until noon (only got 5 hours sleep last night) when we planned to mow the front postage stamp. My son woke me at 11 thinking I was going to miss the session. I figured since I was up we would go out to mow earlier than planned.
I come in and have an email telling me the session is about to begin, when I logged in I was told I was too late and the session was closed.

It is already hot outside, just sitting out front with the dog while my son mowed was uncomfortable.

Ripple is weird.
One day a while back while I was sitting in my truck at the college parking lot, two women walked by and one said is that a shar pei? My mother had one, oh he is so beautiful. She walked right up, stuck her hand through the window and started petting Ripple and got right down in his face nose to nose and talked to him. Ripple just stood there staring at her. We talked a bit then as she was leaving she stuck her hand in to pet him good bye and he growled. I apologized and she laughed and said Yep, that’s a shar pei, my mother’s was the same way. I’m glad she understood.
Then anotehr day another woman walking by stopped to talk to and pet him and he liked it.
After that anytime somebody walked by and ignored him he looked offended.
He used to duck away from people at the groery store if they came near, and out front he’d run up on the porch.
Now if people walk by and don’t stop to pet him he gets offended, and he actually wags his tail if they do. A little wag, a very little wag, you might miss it if you’re not looking for it.
He doesn’t even wag his tail when I pet him unless I bump noses with him.
I guess he finally figured out that most people are cool.
Took him long enough.

Roxy didn’t like getting shots - go figure! But she got a clean bill of health, so that’s good to hear.

OK, back to work. Busy busy…

Where is this “other” MMP? I see only this one.

Is it wrong that I want to have a meet up so I can meet all of the pets? :stuck_out_tongue:

I have groceries to pick up this morning. I’m sure other responsibilities will come to me. I’m thinking. The weather is headed for the nineties and my brain is having a work stoppage.

Happy Moanday!

Other MMP here:

Spiderman jumped the gun a little.

It’s almost 2 p.m. and I’m getting ready to do the things:

A. Go to the pharmacy and get my meds refilled
B. Get a few miscellaneous items for my overnight camping trip
C. Drop a check and paperwork off to the sprog’s football coach
D. Put the trash on the curb and listen to someone complain about how I’m not following directions. :stuck_out_tongue:

Well, if it’s between spidey’s and swampy’s MMP…

Slept till almost 8am, then drove across town to pickup out the floor tile and backsplash for the kitchen, so I’ve got most if not all the ‘hardware’ for the remodel ordered, now just have to see what all of this will cost me. Stopped at Jimmy John’s (I was their first customer of the day) and brought home a sammich and chips so i could watch the World Cup (England starts in 5 minutes, so I’ll be logging off then).

Mooooomm, maybe you dream about it because you’re so invested in the job, or maybe becasue you know you’re leaving it soon (or maybe I know nothing about dreams…)

Sari, never owned a Shar-Pei, but sounds like dogs is dogs. At least he’s warming up to people instead of getting more defensive.

Rockin! don’t recall seeing you around these her parts for a bit. Enjoy the vacation and the sloth.

90F and no rain here, so staying inside is looking like a good option.

Rockin’! ::tacklehug::

'twas after one aay emm EDT.
Possible record highs here today. I took all of the propane tanks outta the car, just to be on the safe side. Prolly didn’t need to given how small they are (the ‘large’ ones are ¼ the size of a standard grill tank). Also broke down & put the airco on at home; was hoping to make it all the way to summer (Thursday) before that happened.

The ice machine at irk is still not irking (since last week) but it’s now down to the last few cubes in the tray. Someone will need to stop & buy some on the way in tomorrer.
Ended up at Jimmy John’s for lunch, mainly because they’re very close by & it was too hot to go any further. Their slogan is accurate. The idjit started making it before the cashier even input what I wanted. First she picks up the spoon from the mayo container. Ick! ::shudder:: NO! Luckily I tell her no mayo before she puts it on the bread. I repeat what I had just told the cashier, but the next thing she grabs is slices of tow-mater & manages to get one on the bread before I tell her no to that. Howsabout figgering out what a customer wants before making what you want. So yeah, I was freaking a bit at how fast she was making it. :mad:

Very yummy supper - teriyaki poke chops, steamed rice, Amish 'maters, and green beans/onions/mushroom sauté. Daughter rinsed the dishes and I loaded and started the dishwasher. It’s now time for chillage.

I got Mauser back! Now I have to give him ear drops, and wait for the lab report on what kind of pathogen made him ill. The skin inside his ears is still pick, but not as red or rough as it was just two days ago.

Happy Moanday indeed!