(Old) Be-Laboring A Point- An End Of Summer MMP

First! W00t!

So now that I got the juvenile triumph out of the way, how many of y’all have the holiday off? 3 years in, it’s still weird for me to work less and not 300% more on a holiday week. Go union.
[Coffee Talk]I’m all veklempt, talk amongst yourselves.[/Coffee Talk]
also, OMB makes good beer(even if Charlotte is pretty much a Wish.com version of Atlanta)

I used to work a lot of holiday hospital shifts because why not?, many were holidays I didn’t celebrate, and pay was double time. I also worked a lot of weekends and nights, and I still feel great pleasure when it’s night and I’m tired and hungry, because nobody’s going to page me or make me driven on ice to do an emergency evsluation or try to kill themselves in a way I need to respond to. Now I’m retired. Sometimes I even go for a walk without my phone. Heaven!

ETA: I’m not sure you’re allowed to first your own thread, though I’m also not sure who would enforce this or why it would matter.

  1. It’s the MMP, anarchy is expected.
  2. If TPTB whine, I’ll file a grievance.
  3. Hi Opal!

Fifth! Or third? Fifth post, third Mumper. I’ve never felt so elite.

My daughter and her hubs arrived today. I am very happy. Pasta with Shellfish turned out great, and the pineapple upside-down cake was also a hit. The “kids” helped cook and did all the dishes.

On a more serious note, daughter said her brother called her after he got her massage about cutting off their dad. He wanted to know what he could do to help support her. They talked about their respective experiences with him and plan to talk every two weeks. I told her how sorry I was that I didn’t get us out of there sooner. She already understood. But there’s a take-away I wish all parents in my situation knew. I wish I’D known it. When she heard her dad call me names or witnessed his never-ending criticisms and complaints about me, she not only felt bad for me, she was afraid if she screwed up, she’d get the same treatment. She and I cried a lot tonight, and they weren’t “Aw, sorry you’re feeling bad” tears; they were the tears of two survivors of the same shipwreck.

They’re leaving early tomorrow morning. I wish they could stay longer. If we REALLY valued labor and labor unions, a four-day weekend would be a nice gesture.

When I was teaching, knowing Labor Day was coming was what got me (and my students) through the first exhausting 2 weeks of school, AND it meant a 4-day work week afterward, too. Double the pleasure!

Why don’t anarchists drink green tea?
Because it fights free radicals.

Having spent most of my life (since age 19) working in or for the Navy in some capacity, I pretty much got all the holidays off. Altho when on active duty, holidays were meaningless if your name was on the duty roster. As a kid, Labor Day meant “school starts tomorrow!” As a retiree, it’s just another day in paradise!

My day in paradise will include cutting up some firewood from big branches that have fallen in recent storms. I also hope to clean and vacuum the basement. That’s as far ahead as I’ve planned. I should give supper a fleeting thought if it will involve thawing something, which it probably will.

And so it begins. Happy Moanday!!

Good Mornin’ Y’all! Up and caffeinatin’. YAWN ‘Tis 66 Amurrkin out and clear with a predicted high of 90 and N.O.S. for the day. The big item on today’s agenda is to hang at the cee-mint pond with JDD and Partner. We shall N.O.L. upon ham sammiches and N.O.T. sallit which I must make this mornin’. OK, the N.O.T. are startin’ to cook as I post. I should have done this yestiddy, but didn’t. The weather will be nice to be out there and much merriment and silliness is sure to ensue.

I never had all the federal holidays off until my last gig. It felt like I had a thousand days off a year when that happened, even though I think, in reality, it was sump’n like three more days than I use to have off. Now everyday is the weekend/a holiday.

Nellie glad you’ve had such a great visit with daughter and SIL. Also yay on son and daughter for agreein’ to be supportive of each other!

Now I need more caffeine and to feed rumbly tummy. Then makin’ N.O.T. and purtifyin’ myself for company must commence!

Happy Moanday/Labor Day Y’all!

Morning everyone. 80F,100s later – there’s really no need to publish a weather page each day here. It’s the same for weeks on end.

I learned last year there is an actual Fifth-Third Bank. Seriously. Long story, but was a customer for a short time.

Nellie, I sympathize with the difficulty in cutting off relatives. We have one who, although an in (or out?) law, is an actual Nazi. Card-carrying member of the party, and even named children after you-know-who’s wartime staff. It seems easy, but some family members are conflicted over his (now) terminal illness. His demise is imminent, and I’m just going to be supportive, despite my opinions. Best wishes to you, with my only comment that no one should feel guilty for how they handled people like this. We all do our best, and hindsight’s 20-20.

As for me; Still fighting off that damnable respiratory infection. Wife is worried about our upcoming trip, and wants to consider cancelling. Her (legitimate) concern is finding ourselves many days away in BFE, and me getting worse. She doesn’t feel comfortable driving the RV back home. I’ve agreed to revisit the doc, and get her evaluation before we actually launch this week. Grrrr!

Labor day for us was always a 3-day vacation, usually camping and boating. Both our careers were in companies which treated those as paid time off. As we aged, our enthusiasm for fighting the crowds dwindled. As retirees, this holiday marks the beginning of our “vacation time”. All the kids are back in school, and the parks/lakes etc. are less crowded in the fall.

Hope everyone has a good week.

I’m showered and dressed and I’ve got the chainsaw, extension cord, and wagon out so I can move the big-ass branches to the back yard and cut them up. So that should be fun. With luck, it’ll all be done before it gets too hot.

Then I get to pick up toys and vacuum the basement! WOOHOO!!!

Good morning. I must do a bit of sweeping and mopping this morning, before Mr. brown wakes up and comes downstairs. It’s always easiest to do high traffic areas when no one’s around.

Tomorrow’s my annual squash-o-gram, which is always a load of fun. But I’m retired now and don’t have to go to work afterwards, so at least there’s that.

Next week I go to see Dr. Treebeard, that is, an ENT. Since about mid-August I’ve had tinnitus and pressure in my left ear, and I’ve had two episodes of bad vertigo. Pulsatile tinnitus, too. My PCP doesn’t know what it is, so off to a specialist I go. I’m betting Meniere’s Disease, as I fit all the symptoms exactly. But I’m hoping I’m wrong and it’s something temporary or treatable, because MD is for life and causes hearing loss.

And we’re going on a trip to a different state in mid-October, and house-shopping while we’re there. A vertigo spell would be bad news while traveling.

Oh, and I’d sure like to be vaxxed up with the latest Covid booster a good week or two before we leave on our trip. Maybe I’ll go to the pharmacy today and see if they can’t give me a date that they expect to have it in stock.

Can definitely feel autumn in the air.

Going to burn some slash today. And my wife used the weed eater yesterday so we will burn the detritus.

Some of the wood though is ~ a foot in diameter, about 3 feet long, but for some odd reason it’s wrapped in wire. No idea how that got there. Gonna need the tractor for moving that.

We don’t burn wood for heat anymore. That was nice, but a ton of work. I’d come home from work, start the fire (again) and it would warm up the house about when you where ready for bed. Rinse and repeat.

I heated with wood for about 10 years. A propane tank and a thermostat is very nice. And we still get the ambiance.

Best for holidays was at the embassy in Lisbon. They observed both the American and Portuguese holidays, so there were many, many three-day weekends to explore the country. I think they observed 17 at that time.

Cancelled our planned day with the wife’s niece, so it will be a stay-at-home day. High 90s out there. I think the kitchen is having ribs for lunch.

Flu shots are offered this week, which we’ll be getting. Got a bit of an issue with the knee, so I’m not getting in the exercise I need. Hopefully it will clear up.

Nothing like waking up, rolling over, and getting a foot in the face. But I’m up caffeinated, and sheveled. I have no plans for the day.

of bourbon? :tumbler_glass:
But glad you had a good visit. And glad the kids are supporting each other.

“Propane is God’s gas.” - Hank Hill

Good morning.

It’s 56F, dark and cloudy outside. Sunrise is in approximately 14 minutes, and the expected high is 69F. It will remain cloudy all day, and there may be a rain shower here and there.

I’m glad the kids’ visit was nice nellie, and am glad your daughter and son are supporting each other.

Since I’m still a Fed gov employee, I get a lot of three and four-day weekends when holidays fall on Mondays. And, we have a newish Federal holiday now in June with the addition of Juneteenth. We have eleven federal holidays.

pullin, I hope your respiratory crud clears up and that you’re well enough for your planned trip.

teela, I hope the doc finds what is ailing you and that it’s not Meniere’s Disease.

I had a low-grade headache yesterday, which just wouldn’t clear up. I ended up doing a bunch of nothing, which I highly regret, but I didn’t have any get up and go. Since I wasted a day yesterday, I’ll have to take care of all the chores that I wanted to get done yesterday. Not very exciting, but then again, I won’t be out on the road with all that Labor Day traffic, either.

So, that’s all that’s going on in my little corner of the world. Take care, all y’all.

Yesterday my wife went down to the corner market for some orange juice. When she got home, someone had put one of those small, top-opening freezers on the ‘free stuff corner’ with a FREE sign on it. She was like, ‘Claimed!’ I moved it into the catio, next to the house, but haven’t plugged it in yet (except for a few seconds, to hear the compressor). It’s out there with the lid open to ensure it’s dry inside.

I’m on antibiotics for a sinus infection. I usually have a cast iron stomach but not this time. Later today I’m getting my hair did. Tomorrow the new floor gets installed. It’s still hot here. 91 and humid. Labor Day is always hot. I’m crabby….

Mornin, all! Already in the 80s. This will probably be the last week of warm weather. Not a lot planned for the day, which is nice.


Can you feel my envy?? It’s only 78° here at the moment, but at least 937% humidity! And the temp is headed to low 90s. Dammit.

I’m taking a break to cool down and have a drink. I’ve cut up all the logs that were just a bit too long for our fireplace insert. So now we have a bunch of shorty logs. After I catch my breath, etc, I’ll go attack the long branches. I have a short bench and a length of rope that I use to tie the logs/branches so I can cut them up. I used to just prop them on bricks and hold them with my foot, but it felt too wobbly this morning and I’d rather not fall or hack a leg off. Tying/untying takes a bit of time, but it’s not like I’m in any hurry. I figure less than an hour to go. I took some “before” pics and I’ll take a few “after” shots also. I know you can’t wait! :wink:

I saw a commercial on TV last night for The Golden Bachelor - a “reality” show where seniors debase themselves on national TV pretending to fall in love, or some such crap… Anyway, one of the women said something that I rather liked: Age is just a number, not a limitation. (Or words to that effect - I wasn’t taking notes.) Yeah there are some limitations because one’s body is well out of warranty by one’s senior years, but to say “I can’t do that because I’m 60/70/80” generally isn’t valid. Who knew an ad for a cheezy show would make me all philosophical!

OK, that wood ain’t gonna cut and stack itself. Guess I should get back to it.

45 degrees here now. Winter is close. We get 25-30 feet of snow every winter. Be careful what you wish for.

Oh, I’m not wishing for snow, just less heat and humidity. Farmer’s Almanac says we’ll have a snowier winter than normal this year. Rah. :stuck_out_tongue: