(Old) Be-Labor-ing a Point. An End of (Meteorological) Summer MMP

As you wish.

So it’s 12:04 EST, I’m off work, and am celebrating workers by not working(and not shopping, so as not to encourage more businesses).
Any of the non-RDOS off today? it’s also the (tradional) time for schools to start(Relevant commercial). and it’s the usual last day of open pools:

OK, hijack away!

Excellent title!
Just woke from a crappy dream.
Now I must return to Dreamland.

Morning, mumpers! it’s currently 18c/64f with a predicted high of 21c/70f, and cloudy. Weather app has a case of the Mondays and says “Oh good. It’s super fucking cloudy outside”. That’s very true, it is cloudy and we have a thunderstorm warning.

I’m glad to be working at home today, I felt rough all day yesterday and spent a lot of the night coughing so it’s a good thing I can stay at home and do as much or as little as I can.

doggio nice interpretation of the cee-mint pond!

Third. Not usually online at this time, but it’s a long story.

Good morning. Annie and I slept on the couch last night as she’s got another round of extreme itching and I was worried about her. We’re trying different anti-itch stuff with little success thus far. Fortunately, though, she’s back to snoozing as I sit here and type.

No real plans for today. MusicMan wants to go look for new furniture that is more comfortable and easier for me to manage. I’m not sure, though, if that will happen or not.

Good Mornin’ Y’all! Up and caffeinatin’. YAWN ‘Tis 72 Amurrkin out and clear with a predicted high of 94 and N.O.S. This shall be a high day of RDOS inactivity. I foresee quality cee-mint pond time, nappage, and day drinkin’ as is our wont. 'Twill be a no cook day, so any need to feed will be via forage. We have plenty of sammich makin’s, chips etc. so no one will starve.

Now I need more caffeine and to feed rumbly tummy. Then, onward into the day! Rah.

Happy Moanday Y’all! Happy Labor Day to all the Amurrkin and Canadian Mumpers!

It may be Labor Day, but schools here went back on Aug 21. [geezer mode] Back when I was a kid, they waited till after Labor day!! < waves cane at no one in particular > [/gm] Actually, I’m fully in favor of year-round school with periodic breaks of a couple of weeks. Not that anyone listens to my inspired notions. I assume the marina will be closing the pool shortly, which means a heat wave will probably hit, tho according to Accuweather, from here on out it’ll be 80 or below with gloriously cool evenings. I guess we’ll see.

Trevor will go home some time this afternoon. With luck, I won’t kill myself tripping over him in the interim. I swear, he follows me like a shadow, then plops down where I’m most likely to be walking (like between the sink and the stove/fridge.) I’ve had to learn to turn, look, then move. I’m sure Ziva will be glad to smell the last of him, tho she seems to like having her kibbles so close to her bed.

No real plans for today, except I do need to run to WalMart for some long-acting Tylenol and some ibuprofen, and probably toothpaste for FCD. Just need to work out when I can go, since he’ll have to sit in the house with her and not venture to his shop. But that won’t be a huge deal - just something to figure out.

Speaking of blood-sucking flying insects as we were in the last MMP - just opening the garage door twice to throw the canines out for their morning pee, my legs got chomped on multiple times. Dammit. I’m just too irresistible to to those stoopit skeeters. I always envied those who the skeeters avoided.

Daughter turns 39 on Thursday - how is my baby that old??? Oh, right, because I’m 70… :stuck_out_tongue:

And the HVAC guys are coming on Weds to give our systems a once-over. We pay $30/month to cover the furnace and a/c in the house and the mini-splits in the shop. They get looked at twice a year, plus we get priority and a discount on emergency calls. I consider it to be insurance, having twice lost a/c in the worst of summer. Heat is not so much of an issue since we use the pellet stove.

BTW, I don’t think it’s so much the end of Meterological summer as it’s a social end. The equinox is later this month, isn’t it? Or am I confusing the definitions?

Regardless, Happy Moanday!!

Up, caffeinated, and sheveled. Off today. It’s cloudy and soggy outside, so I foresee a day of indoor sloth. Or perhaps I shall imitate Spot and intersperse staring into space, naps, and screaming zoomies.

From somewhere on the intertubez

Meteorological fall runs from September 1 to November 30 . While the Autumnal Equinox is still three weeks away, you’ll hear meteorologists (including us) tell you that September 1 marks the start of meteorological fall. This runs until November 30.

I say the new year starts September 1. I hate summer so am glad to see the back end of August.

I want to see a video of doggio with the screaming zoomies.

Daughter et al have been on the road about 90 minutes. FCD just left to check on the boat, since he won’t be in anyone’s way. MIL is sleeping and I’m making ice. In a bit, I’ll hit the shower. Thrill-a-minute at FairyChatEstate.


Good morning all. Feeling much better this morning, the overall weariness I was feeling yesterday is gone and normalcy has returned. And as for the end of summer, it is only 69F here this morning but is heading to 91F later today, so not quite fall yet. Need to stop at Wal-Mart to do some shopping and also to drop off a ton of plastic bags for recycling, before getting my Jersey Mike’s #3. May try to get swimming in but the gym is closing at 6pm for Labor Day so we’ll see what I can do.

LIke FCM, I remember schools starting after Labor Day and the ones here in N. Ali-bama started on August 1st, just hope the AC was working in all the buildings.

boo fae, hope you get feeling better soon.

Sticky Buns, some extra scritches from me for Annie.

FCM, here’s to staying upright.

PK, need to do a few things around the house and then prepare for the great outdoors. Have a good week all.

Ours follow a fairly simple pattern - they nominally start back today, and finish on 20th December with a week’s break in the middle. Spring term runs from January until Easter, and summer term runs from the end of April to 21st July.

They get a shorter break at Christmas than we used to get when I was at school, and still have the 6-week break in summer. Traditionally that was for the kids to help with summer farm jobs (and where I grew up, it was always the hop harvest) but there are a lot of parents who think it would be much better to spread the holidays out through the year.

I just look forward to the short amounts of time my commuter trains aren’t full of screeching schoolies!

This is an unsolicited comment without recommendation. Back in Feb, a couple of different hairdressers recommended vitamin E and biotin to help my hair thicken. So that’s about 6 months ago. Given the average rate of hair growth is about half an inch per month, we looking at potentially 3" on my head.

I feel like it may be making a difference. FCD says he can see it. I feel like the little ponytail I pull together on top may be a bit more substantial. And FWIW, I didn’t look up the growth rate till this morning after my shampoo, so I don’t think it’s a placebo effect. Yeah, I could be delusional, but maybe if has made a difference. So if your follicles are slacking off…

There are sites that recommend dosages. I’m not going to walk aaaaaall the way to my medicine cabinet to see what I take. If you care, you can figure it out for yourself. Or not. Just tossing this out there. (She says as she shakes her semi-luxiriant tresses.)


Me too!

In March, maybe associated with covid, my hair started coming out too much.
My dr. Gave me a multivitamin and my friend got me biotin 1,000 mg.
Has helped a little.
I have not paid for my phone since I bought it.
Now the Affordability Program has ended and I owe 15 by the 10th just to be 2gb for the month.
I think it will be shut off.
So am enjoying it while I can.

Are you okay?

Allergic to something?

I’m sure your vet has opinions about causes & treatments, but I have heard of a lot of dog owners having success by changing the poochy’s diet - usually eliminating a common allergen. (IIRC wheat and corn are the usual suspects.)

There is much value in teenagers having summer jobs. They learn a lot they wouldn’t learn in school.

Also, for those of us whose entire families are overseas, summer was the only feasible time for me to be able to visit. (Yes, I once or twice flew alone, transatlantic, as a kid.)

The latter is 2/3 sloth, so still counts.

{ clutches pearls }

I believe a { snerk! } is in order.

Drunk Guy: “I’ll drink to that!

Can confirm, biotin is particularly good for hair (and nails, for those of us prone to thin/splitting nails.)

Years ago, someone recommended prenatal vitamins (for my nails) which really help, too … but my poor dad about had a heart attack next time he was at my apartment and saw the bottle!

Woke up chilly - it was below 60!

… then really woke up, cuz gotta pee. Blearily shuffling through the kitchen, I spy, with my one open eye, a … dead brown mouse.

Thoughts, in order:

Aw crap, they got out.
Wait, that’s not one of mine.
Okay, mousie, I’ll pick you up … in a minute, cuz if I squat right now I’ll widdle all over the kitchen floor like a damn puppy.
(giggling) Heh, you’re Priority #2 but going number one is still Priority # 1!

… and that’s how Shoe found herself half-asleep and laughing at a dead mouse while hustling to the potty.

On an unrelated note, people think I’m weird. :thinking:

(Mousie has been trash-bagged, and Monkey has received an appropriate amount of cooing-over.)

Man, when I’m at work, I keep thinking of all this stuff I could/should be doing at home. (I’m good enough at certain positions that my mind can happily wander while my hands work on auto-pilot) but now that I’m home & awake, I can’t think of a damn thing.

Maybe I’ll take a lil’ nap.

Are you sure he isn’t part cat? :wink: My two love doing things like this to me.

Mornin’ everyone.

It’s 61F and cloudy outside. Our expected high temperature is only 72F, and it’s expected to remain overcast. However, fear not, because by Thursday, those summer temps come raging back and it’ll be 92F. I would have been happy if the temps had remained in the 70s, and a little rain would not be remiss.

Metal Mouse, I’m glad you’re feeling better. I was a little worried about you.

Boo Fae, I hope you’re feeling better soonest.

When I was a kid, and even now, the first day of school was always the first Wednesday after Labor Day. It may have been different on the state’s eastern side, which is more rural and agricultural.

Where my daughter and son-in-law live, school began two weeks ago, but they live in a more rural and agricultural area in Missouri.

I need to pick up the pre-surgery meds for Maisie and Buster. This may happen today, but it’s more likely to happen tomorrow. I also want to build my little outdoor storage chest that’s been sitting in my garage for a year now. I need more gravel to put under the pavers, though. I’d have the bags delivered, but they charge a ton for stuff under a certain amount, which wouldn’t be delivered today. So this means I need to get those bags of gravel that are not light. Decisions, decisions.

Sticky Buns, yeah diet is a significant cause of itchy skin. The problem is narrowing down what causes it. I had a friend whose German Shepherd had itchy skin. It was a nightmare trying to find the right food for her, plus she was put on steroids (I think). I’m trying a limited-ingredient hydrolyzed pork diet for Maisie, who has “sensitive” skin. She’s only been on the food for about a week, so I’m unsure if there has been any change. However, I am not a vet, and I’m sure your vet has many good suggestions.

Guess I better get to gettin’. I have stuff to do, and tomorrow it’s back to the salt mines.

Are you okay?

Oh yes, thanks. I’ve had just a little trouble getting to sleep sometimes, so I got up and decided to see if I could be first rather than third.

Hey y’all. Tis a lovely 60 outside. Not projected to get much more than that all day. Might need to break out a flannel.