Are you okay?
Allergic to something?
I’m sure your vet has opinions about causes & treatments, but I have heard of a lot of dog owners having success by changing the poochy’s diet - usually eliminating a common allergen. (IIRC wheat and corn are the usual suspects.)
There is much value in teenagers having summer jobs. They learn a lot they wouldn’t learn in school.
Also, for those of us whose entire families are overseas, summer was the only feasible time for me to be able to visit. (Yes, I once or twice flew alone, transatlantic, as a kid.)
The latter is 2/3 sloth, so still counts.
{ clutches pearls }
I believe a { snerk! } is in order.
Drunk Guy: “I’ll drink to that!”
Can confirm, biotin is particularly good for hair (and nails, for those of us prone to thin/splitting nails.)
Years ago, someone recommended prenatal vitamins (for my nails) which really help, too … but my poor dad about had a heart attack next time he was at my apartment and saw the bottle!
Woke up chilly - it was below 60!
… then really woke up, cuz gotta pee. Blearily shuffling through the kitchen, I spy, with my one open eye, a … dead brown mouse.
Thoughts, in order:
Aw crap, they got out.
Wait, that’s not one of mine.
Okay, mousie, I’ll pick you up … in a minute, cuz if I squat right now I’ll widdle all over the kitchen floor like a damn puppy.
(giggling) Heh, you’re Priority #2 but going number one is still Priority # 1!
… and that’s how Shoe found herself half-asleep and laughing at a dead mouse while hustling to the potty.
On an unrelated note, people think I’m weird. 
(Mousie has been trash-bagged, and Monkey has received an appropriate amount of cooing-over.)
Man, when I’m at work, I keep thinking of all this stuff I could/should be doing at home. (I’m good enough at certain positions that my mind can happily wander while my hands work on auto-pilot) but now that I’m home & awake, I can’t think of a damn thing.
Maybe I’ll take a lil’ nap.