I was in Labor(Day) for 24 hours! - A Relaxing MMP

After 30 years of retail management, it’s still weird to work less on holiday weeks. The whole “about the same pay, better benefits, less stress, and ex-union president buried in Giants Stadium” are just extra benefits of the labor movement(Teamsters Union Local 391).

What are y’all doing for Labor day?

Well dang it, I was just about to start my first MMP, and then ya beat me to it. Plans for labor day are absolutely no labor. Mowage was achieved, I do need to go to the booze sto, but that’s about it.

Stay safe, healthy, and happy, y’all!

You can always start a new one, have the mods merge 'em, and cause all sorts of mundane, pointless chaos. :crazy_face:

Sloth is pretty much the game plan over here, given the need to hide in air conditioning. Projected high temp 113F (45C). Ick.

heh i dont know if its a urban legend or not but due to Chicago mob using the teamsters pension fund to “invest” in las vegas if you were members in certain localks you automatically received casino credit and were comped things

How this was discovered a relative who was in the union was checking in the casino for a a week made a comment about " I finally get to see a place I help build" and the desk person was like oh? and he explained the joke and she asked if he had his membership card on him and when he gave it to her she went in an office and types something on a computer and answered a phone call and came back and he got a VIP pass

Said the room and everything was upgraded and a bunch of extra stuff like shows and food was comped and they gave him about 2500 in cash to play cards and slots with …he said the only thing he didn’t care for was the golf course was above his level lol

But when he went back to work everyone there was surprised he didnt know to show his card when he started painting the trip … he might of got the plane ride and room free to begin with

Probably real. When Phar-Mor(I worked there) went into chapter 7, the post mortem story from the Youngstown paper about the chain started with an anecdote about the Mob using a priest to deliver a bribe.

I will be laboring, dammit. Once it’s reasonably light out, mowage must occur. Then the panic cleaning begins. I wasted much of yesterday in front of the TV - today I must make up for it. But first, leftover from the last MMP:

A couple of years back, my mom got Roxy a subscription to High Five, the little kids version of Highlights. One of her favorite things in the magazine is the Hidden Pictures puzzle. She’ll bring a whole stack of them out and we’ll open to each puzzle. It’s a nice quiet activity that doesn’t wear me out too much. :wink:

Yet another reason I’m glad I never worked in a food-related job. It’s bad enough cleaning the greasy stove after I fry something - can’t imagine dealing with a commercial fryer!!! Didn’t you even dream of a nice, boring 9-5 sitting-at-a-desk job?

Reminds me of a comment supposedly made by a firefighter called to retrieve a cat from a tree: “Have you ever seen a cat skeleton in a tree?” Yeah, they can get down. They may not like it… Taz, in his youth, had been known to balance on the top of doors. Now the poor dear struggles to jump up on the couch. :crying_cat_face:

And back to the present:

Once upon a time, people would claim starting privileges ahead of time. So if you, or anyone, wants to kick things off, let it be known ahead of time, and with luck, everyone will remember and stand aside. Or not. You know this crowd. :wink:

Brace yourselves for a shock: FCD’s folks are now waffling about the move. :roll_eyes: One tiny part of me wants to say “Fine. You’re on your own. Have a nice rest of your life.” I can’t imagine how FCD is feeling.

Apparently his dad is upset at the idea of giving up his shop. FCD offered to clear one of our sheds for him to use, but that wasn’t good enough. No, this man who randomly falls and has even knocked himself out still wants access to power tools and other sharp things. I swear, it’s worse than dealing with Tobias when he goes after cords…

This week is going to be interesting.

In non-elderly news, next weekend, our landfill is having Hazardous Waste day - twice a year, they accept stuff they normally don’t, so we need to purge old paint cans among other things. There are shelves in the garage that still hold crap left by the last owners (18 years ago…) and we’ll sort thru them to see if anything is worth keeping.

Then the weekend after, there’s going to be a shredder truck at the landfill. We won’t be here, but I’m going to talk to my daughter about taking a bag of papers there for me. I don’t think we need BCBS statements from 12 years ago. Especially since they haven’t been touched since I crammed them in the folder way back whenever.

But for now, caffeination shall continue until I don grubbies and attack the lawn.

Happy Moanday! Happy Labor Day! Happy, Happy, Happy…

Thought for cheap thrills I’d threaten my brain integrity by clambering up and cleaning a set of gutters. And this is a yard bin week, so I may dig out the hedge clippers and cut back the ferns and St. John’s Wort. But I might lie in the hammock and read instead.

From the last MMP:

Yeah, I tried to impose that rule when I got Monks.

Nikki was, as m’Other Shoe called her, a “four on the floor” creature. Something as high as a kitchen countertop? B!tch, please. Ain’t gonna happen.

So I got a bit spoiled.

Then the whirlwind Tasmanian devil that was this adolescent black panther came home with me, and I tried to enforce rules. The “no counter” thing went literally out the window (there are birds outside! Like, right there! BIRDS you human fool!) it was like arguing with the wind.

ETA: @susan I know what I’d choose. It starts with an “H” and rhymes with “ammock.”

Good Mornin’ Y’all! Up and caffeinatin’. YAWN ‘Tis 74 Amurrkin out and mostly clear with a predicted high of 88 and rain showers later on today. We shall see. I’m still feelin’ all sinusy, so today will be a day of high sloth. I may even go back to bed in a bit just cause.

Happy Moanday Y’all and Happy Labor Day to all my Amurrkin friends.

Afternoon, mumpers! It’s 83f out there with a predicted high of 85f here. Weather app says “Is it possible to make sweet, sweet love to an air conditioner? Asking for a fucking friend”

Happy Labour Day to all who are celebrating! We have a new PM which means we are moving towards living nightmare now.

Time to go and catch a train!

Coolio has entered the chat.

We’ll be heading out to meet up with the niece at a you-pick apple orchard. Then we’ll head over to her place where her excellent chef and husband will be serving up ribs. I’ve got some puff pastry in the freezer for some apple turnovers next week. Have a good week, all.

We can get this done by a guy and his assistant in about an hour for $120 (I think) and he blows all the sticks and leaves off the roof and cleans up after himself to boot. I consider it money well-spent. Mostly because I don’t climb on the roof and I was always terrified when spousal unit did it. Definitely a case of the best tool for the job being a checkbook.

OK, I’m done with morning surfage. Time to don the grubbies and push my Toro around the ditch before mounting John Deere for a ride around the property. Try not to envy me…

Good morning all. Up and through the first cup. Am bach-ing* it this weekend as the missus has traveled to the realm of the kids for various reasons. Am now in day 8356 of enforced idleness due to the retina worries (OK, day 14, but it seems like forever). Sloth is not only the plan, it’s a hard requirement. So I’ll wander about watching various Netflix stuff and working on a software project on the computer.

In accordance with tradition: It’s 68F outside and predicted reach 92F today. Yesterday was another weird day in DFW, with popup storms stampeding thru. Got high winds, hail and a 1/2 inch of rain in just a few minutes. Peering around this morning nothing seems worse for wear outside.

Hope everyone has a good rest-of-the-holiday! I’m actually enjoying NOT being part of the frantic crowds this year.

*Term my parents used to say, meaning the wife is gone and hubby is free to run amok.

Morning all. Started the day with a weird dream, I was on vacation and had to pedal a bike from the (foreign) resort to the airport, but got lost in the maze of streets and ended up two miles from Indianapolis so had to pedal back to the resort to get a taxi and…then my brain said “you’re being rather silly, wake up now” so I did. And that’ s the major labor I plan to do today, outside of shoppin-n-sammich-n-swimming-n-sauna.

Boo fae, hot times in Ol’ England-land (unless you are off on an adventure). Only due to get to 82F today due to all the rain (50-50 chance today)/

FCM, I imagine they will change their minds 4-5 times before actually doing the move, then complain every time they see you that they should have stayed in FLA. Parents…

shady, my dad worked in the trucking industry for almost his whole life, even worked for the Teamsters union for a couple of years, never remember seeing those perks, but his pension was great.

Van Go, remind us Sunday night and we’ll try to reserve a space for you for the next MMP.

OK, need to finish the Moanday morning webcomics and be about the day. All y’all have a good week.

Good morning everyone.

It’s currently about 57 degrees with an expected high of 75 and clear skies.

The ice maker is still producing ice and we’ve been enjoying our iced drinks. Tomorrow I’ll be able to fill up my insulated water bottle with ice and water and have nice cold water aaaalllll day at the office.

Still debating whether or not I want to go mattress shopping. We shall see.

Well, time for some more coffee. I slept in until 5:00 today and am behind on caffeine consumption.

metalmouse that was the temperature in Antwerp, we are now in Brussels where its 86f and weather app says “blisteringly fucking hot”. Back home it’s 70f with thunderstorms!

We are booked on the Eurostar just before 7pm, then the 8.45pm train from London to Wolves, then a cab home so should be in the house by 11pm.

Up, caffeinated, and sheveled. Off today. I guess I shall sloth.

I vote this.

Having gone to school in 90+ degree temps with no A/C in the buildings or buses, yes. Yes, you can.

Morning all. Today happens to be my birthday, so I plan to power-sloth. How lazy will I be? So lazy, reading in a hammock sounds great, and we have a hammock, but I would have to hang it, so I will instead sit outdoors in a comfy gravity chair and read. Kindle all charged up and ready to go. Books downloaded. Whoohoo!

Mrs. solost may possibly be thinking, somewhat meanly and sarcastically, but not entirely incorrectly, how is today any different than any other day you have off? Well, today is a sanctioned lazy day. No guilt thinking I should probably do X or Y or Z; no side-eye from Mrs. solost, who usually puts me to shame in the Gettin’ Stuff Done dept.

The only regret is that I could probably get away with a lazy day on an ordinary LD Monday anyway. A bit of a waste for my bday to fall on this day. Oh well.