Bad, bad, bad can you really do what you're dreaming of in your sleep? Or are you just too lazy to get up? (Yeah you grandwrex-son!)


Broccoli for supper. Always causes digestive issues for these boys. Always. Usually it’s just unpleasant and Febreze can handle it.:face_with_peeking_eye:

This is the same boy who’s had numerous night terrors and sleepwalking events. I fear his adult occupation will be a nighttime thing. I can just hope it’s legal.


4:A.M shower time for littlest grandson.
He couldn’t help it, he says. He was dreaming he was doing ‘it’!

He’s going on 8yo. He’s been potty trained a decade, well…not a decade but a few years.

Poor thing. Big brother has been teasing him about night diapers all day. I told Mom to put a stop to it. That’s just mean.

My, my, my.
Life is just so exciting around here.

Or are you just what? My mother used to accuse me of being too lazy to get up when I wet the bed well after I had been potty trained (I know she was just tired and angry, but still, she’s supposed to be the adult). I was humiliated and angry – who would go through that mess just because they are lazy? It’s completely illogical and very damaging. Your grandson has my sympathy.

I never accused him outloud. I promise.
I have sympathy for him as well.

He’s just a child.
Crap happens🤭

An employee’s son shit his pants on the way to school (he is 5) today, causing her to be late. Why did he shit his pants? A classmate did last week and he missed a day of school because of it. He wanted to skip school, but his mom wasn’t having it.

When CtE was younger, they had s problem with their bowels that caused them to have very little control - basically, they needed to get to the bathroom immediately if they felt it coming on. There were many days I had to drive new pants and underwear there. Luckily, as they got older, they got better control. But they knew from the first that it wouldn’t get them out of school for the day.

What’re you gonna do in a few more years when the kid hits puberty?

Perhaps he was…

He was so proud when he woke up this morning.
He was happy it wasn’t a new way to live, I guess.

Then he asked me to pull his finger!!

That poor kid. I have been having gut trouble lately, so I understand the need for a clear path to the bathroom. But I’m old enough to wake up for it. I do recall a family event where a father was punishing the child by making him wear a diaper and the mom raised hell with the dad at a neighborhood event. A neighboring mom stepped in. She was an ER nurse and the poor kid had food poisoning. Dad learned a big lesson in public about shaming a child and then having to eat his words.

I don’t see how that relates to laziness.

Laziness was never really the issue.
Just me yakking.

I know that’s not what happened.
Did he dream he was pooping and then, oops I poops, in his sleep, and do it?
Or did he physically just poop, in his sleep because poop happens?

My question was, can you really dream of doing something like that and then it just happens?

(No grandwrex were harmed in the production of this thread, I promise)j

I wet and messed myself for years until one day I realized I didn’t know I needed to go I told my grandma and went to a urologist and an operation and several tests later I was fixed … but the other problem? Now even if I have to go in the slightest I feel like I’m about to burst

I’m sorry you experienced that. I really am.