Barry - Season 3 - HBO

Did we ever find out what happened with them? I don’t remember seeing anything verifying if the son died, or how the mother dealt with the fact that she had shot her son.

Nothing more was seen. I think the mother was trying to avoid getting caught as the one who paid for the hit, though I don’t think shooting her son was deliberate, I think she might well have decided not to pursue it after that…

It definitely wasn’t. It was an accidental shooting.

Yes. But at this point she was in danger of either getting caught being the client who ordered the hit, and being jailed, and getting recognised by a cold blooded hitman as a threat, so anything to get the hell out of there with both of them alive, meant it could have been subconcious. Still, I think that meant it was done after that, and I don’t expect a second attempt from them. She really didn’t want to be part of that.

Thought thinking back, wouldn’t Fuches know it was her, so why tell her who killed him, or had he forgotten that detail, Or was it Fuches told the son only?

My recollection is Fuches just told the son, but it doesn’t really matter. We also don’t actually KNOW the mom is who hired Fuches/Barry - it would make a certain amount of sense though.

One of the central themes of the show is the notion of human nature - especially masculinity - holding us back from change and destroying us. The show’s major players want to change and have a new life, but they keep hurting one another. Barry is essentially violent and selfish, Sally is self-absorbed, Hank is oblivious, Fuches is just a colossal asswipe, etc. etc., and they all (especially Barry) just wreck shit as they go. So the Mom (I don’t recall her name or her son’s name) is a microcosm of that. She either had her husband killed, or didn’t and just wanted to kill Barry, but either way her deciding to so something immoral led to her accidentally shooting her own son.

I checked the imdb, maybe I was mistaken, and recognised her from other things, she wasn’t listed before this season. She did seem guilty but perhaps she just understood the issues of having to kill someone, and also having to kill someone who is a mass murderer.

Great last ep.

Clearly the beach is not defined as those he’s murdered, but those whose lives he’s responsible for ruining.

Some expected twists, some not.

That Sally would ask Barry to do that or worse? Expected.

That Albert lives? Not.

That Gene could actually act like his life depended on it when it did? Not.

This series was a masterpiece. I rarely want to watch a whole series over again. This one I do.

Agree that the episode last night was terrific. I really loved the various dissolves between scenes; thought it was a nice touch. Henry Winkler has said in interviews that the scene in the garage between Gene and Jim Moss was the best scene he has done in his career, and he may very well be right.

There’s been quite a few indications that next season will be the last for Barry; definitely interested to see how it all wraps up.

I am sure they can and will create ways to continue the story from here for another season but I don’t feel anything needs to be wrapped up.

This would be perfect as a series finale. Of course with the track record here next year’s last ep will be perfecter. :slight_smile:

Our main question was “lion or tiger?”