Barry - Season 3 - HBO

I’m surprised there isn’t a thread on this on here. The last episode with the motorbike chase was bonkers. It has always been a stop start type of programme, but getting back into the flow of things this season.

Anyone else watching?

This show could really use a, "Previously on Barry. . . " I had to go back to season 1, episode 5 to understand what happened at the end of season 3, episode 6. (avoiding spoilers)

I thought the funniest bit was when he was stopped in traffic and those two motocross riders stopped next to his car, and openly and loudly discussed whether he was the one they were looking for and whether they should kill him.

(As it happens, earlier yesterday, I went back and rewatched ronny/lily, the fifth episode of the second season, with the Tae Kwon Do expert and his daughter. This episode reminded me of that in a way.

That motorcycle chase was amazing! I really liked at the end when the Used Car dealer goes Not Today (as if this happens often) and gets his shotgun to kill the biker on the roof.

But then the end of the episode… Holy shit

Yes, a guide to which one of who he has killed is getting revenge would be good. I don’t really know who the bikers are, and who the lady who has drugged him is (though foaming mouth would be a kill drug, rather than a sleep drug right?). I remember Barry having a crazy old friend from the army and others being dragged in, but I don’t know which of these are connected to those.

Fuches (Stephen Root) is stirring up the families of some of Barry’s more or less incidental and unfortunate casualties - like the daughter and the Marine - as part of his revenge plot. There seems to be some time-shifting of the sequence of events as well, not positive without rewatching and unknown how that will be revealed.

Mitch the Beignets proprieter was great, dispensing SoCal advice to everyone who clearly patiently wait in line for both his wisdom and pastries. The woman who comes in and says “I had that conversation with my daughter” and he says, “…and?” was LOL funny. He was right that Barry should FaceTime with his ex-marine buddies first!

Yes, I was clued up on the general plot, just who the victims were who were now getting revenge for.

  1. Woman with son, who sat in the car and the woman mistakenly shot her son at the end of the last episode. I think the victim was from the first episode, and the mother was the one who paid for the contract.

  2. The bikers. Not sure who these are involved with, and hot tub. Perhaps Taylor, the lunatic which attached himself to Barry to help kill the Bolivians

  3. Looking at S01E05, there was Chris Lucado, with his wife Sharon, and their kid. Chris was the nice dude who used to work with Barry, who he met again, He was sane, and I’m unsure what happened to him (need to watch a bit further). He introduced Barry to Taylor, who he said was cool, but was the lunatic who wanted to help Barry kill. This is the woman who poisoned him at the end of last episode (S03E06).

  4. Some other people came along to the Bolivian hit. Not sure who they were.

  5. Father of the detective that Barry killed. Fuches seems to be using him as what would be a “big gun”.

(Watched S01E05 + 06) Yes, Taylor was the one who was supposed to want a hot-tub. It comes from when Fuches and Barry are checking the area where the helicopter is going to land, with Taylor talking nonsense on the end of the radio, and mentioned a hot-tub. So the little that Fuches seems to know about Taylor was about a hot-tub, which was just some crap Taylor was talking about.

The £1700 for a hot tub was Taylor, mad as he was, buying a hot tub, and expecting Barry to pay for half, and he said that Barry owed him that, so must have told his sister. She didn’t care that Barry “murdered” him, but the idea that he owed him money for a hot-tub (which seems to be getting installed half way up a hill where they were ambushing the Bolivians) drove her crazy.

Chris wasn’t killed by Barry, and neither was Taylor, it was him driving full speed with Metallica on (along with the other of the three, Vaughn) that got him shot by the Bolivians. So the biggest threats have come from people for whom Barry isn’t actually to blame (Chris arguably brought the crazy who got him killed into it, and was coming along to “scare someone”).

I am not quite sure how detailed a previously on could be to keep up with this, but dammit, I’m missing some jokes and plots from an episode broadcast over four years ago.

And it was Cristobel on the flight landing there.

Chris survived the firefight, killed a bolivian and said he was going to the police, then realising his mistake, backpedalled and Barry killed him. Not before Chris saying he told his wife that he was going to visit Barry. So she has a good reason to be after him, without Fuches giving any clue (I am not sure if Fuches talked to her).

Fuches did talk to Sharon, Chris’ wife. Barry, after taking a bite of the poisoned food, found a business card for “Kenneth Goulet”, Fuches PI pseudonym on the table.

Yeah, I just realised this. I also rewatched last night’s rooftop shooting scene again. They did a pretty nifty job of hiding how Barry got out and got into place to walk off. He came out the door you can just about see off in the distance blocked by 4 people, then the people move and he’s there (but you don’t know it’s him). Then it’s over and the people move and he’s there.

The first several episodes were just depressing, but these last two? Wow!

He has done a lot of important work as Chad Kroeger:

Fighting for the Right to Party in Delaware

I actually think this season is even better than the last few. The visual gags are, over and over again, the best I’ve ever seen in a TV show.

Awesome episode. I’m really liking the way different characters are evolving.

What is Albert going to do?

Who were the beach people? Should I be recognizing them?

They’re all people Barry has killed. One was Goran the original Chechen leader (the one who originally hired him to kill his wives lover) and Chris, the husband of the poisoner woman who Barry shot because he said he was going to the police.

Makes sense. Too many killed for me to remember the faces!

What are the writers implying is going on in his drugged near death dream?

Waiting to be taken to the other side? Why does he dream that none of them seem to remember him?

I didn’t get the impression none of them remember him. I got the impression that they weren’t angry, but I guess once your dead, the anger isn’t really there (according to normal post death rules).

I’d not say near death dream, he was dying, heading to the afterlife and got saved at the hospital.

When it comes to specific faces, yes, there was a lot we’d not know. He’s killed a lot of people. Some are dead not through his hand (Ryan for instance was to be killed by him, but the Chechens shot him first, Taylor was incredibly stupid trying to rush armed cartel soldiers).

Yeah, surely Ryan doesn’t count against him?

This episode was directed by Bill Hader, and I’ll tell ya what, it’s one of the most interestingly shot and directed episodes of TV I have ever watched in my life. The technical and artistic proficiency of this show is through the roof. One of the best ever made.