Barry Season 4 HBO. Open spoilers

Following up on last season’s thread, first two eps dropped.

I could have lived with it ending with the end of last season, but so fat so good.

Something I’ve been wondering about; NoHo Hank’s name. Is it ever explained? Is NoHo a nickname? Or does it mean something in Chechen society?

“NoHo” is supposed to be short for North Hollywood. I remember a dream sequence that Hank had in an earlier episode where he imagined himself on a panel discussion show and his name was given on the chyron as “North Hollywood Henry.”

It’s interesting Barry is turning on the Chechens. I guess he thinks he has a shot with Sally after that conversation, but that’s a bad goal.

Of course, if folks storm into the prison with guns trying to kill Barry, well then you end up putting guns in the vicinity of Barry and we know he can destroy an entire gang by himself when he wants to.

He is desperate to feel loved and has a hierarchy. Romantic above father figure.

Trying to kill Barry never goes well.

Dang. Sally’s mother is cold. I’m not surprised she has so many issues.

Gene is doing himself no favors with his little one man show for the Vanity Fair writer. If his little stunt (and how I laughed when he screwed up creating his little message trail – precious few laughs in these eps) manages to get Barry off, Jim Moss will destroy Gene.

Fuches has been grooming Barry since childhood???

This show breaks my heart.

ETA: NoHo as said above is an abbreviation for North Hollywood. The Chechens lived in the Valley. I’m guessing Hank’s Chechen name is a form of Henry.

I’ve only watched the first two episodes so far. My God, this show is marvelous.

So… yeah…

Though this time they did it for him (mostly).

This the most coherent we’ve seen Barry all season…when he realizes they’ve come to kill him, and his training kicks.

Barry isn’t really good at anything except killing. He’s the semi-comedic Will Munny.

Ah, I had to google. I still haven’t seen The Unforgiven.

Well, there was a LOT going on in that episode! It looks like we may have a time jump going into next week, if that final scene is any indication.

I was thinking that was a dream sequence. And there were a couple of cut-to-black scenes there, including the one in the silo.

That was an incredible episode. What struck me most was NoHo Hank pleading with Cristobal not to go, because he knew what would happen. I did think Barry’s “Really” right before the last scene was pretty funny though.

I liked it when the bad actress’s agent recognized Sally, but called her “Entitled Vagina Woman,” instead of the c-word version. I think Sally is finally realizing she’s never going to make it in the Industry.

I loved how we didn’t even see Barry until the very end, but his presence was felt in every scene.

Someone I know listened to a podcast where Hader and Berg were really cagey about whether they were fantasy sequences or flash forwards.

Man, Anthony Carrigan is killing it (and others) this season.

Well tonight’s episode was the worst of the entire series and I have no idea why they decided to go this route. None of it makes any sense with what we’ve seen previously. With only 3 episodes to go this was an utter waste.

Excellent sound design in the parking lot scene and on the closing credits with the low subwoofer notes creating a really ominous feeling.

My wife made the observation that the show is taking itself too seriously, and I think that sums it up.

I’m going to trust that they’re going somewhere with this, until proven otherwise.

I’ve been surprised by the generally negative reactions. I liked it. Not, like, the best episode they’ve done or anything but I enjoyed the big swing.