Who wins?
Who’s Bailey? The only ones I can think of are Beetle, George from It’s a Wonderful Life, and the redhead from WKRP in Cincinnatti, and I’m not sure any of them would offer Batman much of a challenge.
I’m thinking it’s the WKRP Bailey.
This looks like a parody of the ‘Batman vs Whoever’ and ‘Bailey vs Jennifer’ debates.
(And if it’s a swimsuit competition, my vote’s for Bailey. Although Batman does have a nice butt (Depending on whose version he is, of course). ^__~)
If it’s comic character v. comic character, though, then he must mean Beetle. And I don’t think I’d write Bailey off as quickly as I did in my last post. I mean, look at all the poundings he’s taken from Sarge. Talk about takes a licking and keeps on ticking!
WRKP Bailey. After all, nobody refers to that soldier boy as just “Bailey.”
Mmm… Bailey…
Say… you seem smitten!
Say, you ever going to stop with the Badhnesian jokes?
Just consider me a bolt from the blue.
Bailey wins every time with me. Batman? He does nothin’ for me.
Bailey wins vs. Pam Anderson too, but that’s another poll…