Some very interesting things this week. But first, I know some of you get really irritated when some of the rest of us insinuate Apollo’s gay. But c’mon! He kisses women like a gay man!
Starbuck is the hottest tail in the fleet, and it would appear Apollo is the most uninterested in girls in the fleet. I swear Ron Moore is deliberately messing with those of us who watch out for those sorts of clues. Go ahead, flame me!
I feel guilty about Elosha. I was beginning to seriously not like her. As I saw it, she was pushing Roslyn into the drugs & prophecy crap. Indirectly, it was her fault the fleet is fractured. But now she’s all dead and stuff. Who do I blame? Will Roslyn come to her senses, now that Elosha isn’t there constantly interpreting scripture? “The scrolls say a minor demon will aid us.” What kind of crap is that?
It’s too funny Boomer kicked Apollo’s ass even with both hands in cuffs. Is there anyone in the fleet who hasn’t knocked Apollo on his ass? Anyone? Next week: Boxey knocks Apollo on his ass.
Helo is kinda disappointing. I liked him better last season when he had the Caprica scenes all to himself & Boomer. This season, he’s practically invisible. Anyone thinking Lt. Agathon better come up with some more inspired acting, or he’s gonna get offed? What’s his dialogue been so far this season? “Kara, don’t! Sharon! Kara! Sharon!”
I totally don’t believe for a second that Boomer is going to try to kill Adama again next week. It’s a trick, and she’s going to shoot Zarek’s flunky. Anyone think anything different?
Certain plot points are resolving themselves too easily. Starbuck should be in trouble for stealing the Raider. Apollo should be in really big trouble for mutiny. At least they don’t trust Boomer, and yet it feels like she’s going to earn everyone’s trust a little too easily. Next week everyone’s going to be a big happy family again, and the week after that it’ll be almost like none of this happened. There are so many questions to ask Boomer, someone better start asking them. I want to know more about how she’s not “wired in” and it “doesn’t work like that.”
I don’t think “cutting back to Kobol” is going to replace “cutting back to Caprica.” Seems like next week everyone gets together. Can we please cut back to Caprica? It was more interesting.
I don’t like nepotism in TV casting, and I’m not that impressed with Hotdog. A little less of him, please. But speaking of Viper related stuff,
Was that one of the “new” Vipers they had out during that asteroid training exercise? Have they done that before? I’ve been hoping all along they’d be able to get the new Vipers working without them being susceptible to Cylon hacking. Is that what we’re seeing? The camera purposely zoomed in on the new style Viper. It’d be great if we could get the new Vipers up & running to replace all the old Vipers we’ve lost since the beginning of the show, and I want to see the new Vipers kicking some major Cylon butt.