This thread contains a MAJOR POTENTIAL SPOILER.
Do not read if you don’t want to know.
(some padding to
keep information out
of preview popup)
It’s a rumor that’s been burning up the BSG news and gossip sites.
This is not a relatively minor plot point, like “who kills Cain at the end of ‘Pegasus.’”
The rumor, which appears to have some basis in fact, is about the DEATH OF A MAJOR CHARACTER.
As in, CORE CAST. Not Billy, not Kat. One of the BIG FIVE.
Why the rumor has caught fire:
[ul][li]Ron Moore is on record with the opinion that the show has gotten “too safe” and the audience needs a punch in the gut.[/li]
[li]The cast member in question has confirmed that he/she wrapped this season months before the rest of the cast.[/li]
[li]The actor also says that he/she will appear in no more episodes this season after number fourteen. That’s three more after the return from the break, and then this actor is DONE this year.[/li]
[li]When asked directly what the early finish for the character means, the actor says: I’ve signed a confidentiality agreement and can provide no further details.[/ul][/li]
Which character, you ask?
I’m putting this in a spoiler box in the OP only, on the slim chance that anybody who has read this far might still be teetering on the edge of uncertainty, and to give you an opportunity to change your mind about reading on. If the rumors pan out, and this character dies, it will represent a major, major change in the show, so this is your last warning.
Further discussion of this possible spoiler, including naming the character in subsequent posts, will happen outside spoiler boxes. You don’t want to know, close the thread and bail out.
Okay. Here’s who is apparently on the execution block:
See what I mean?
The thing is, though, I’m really not sure if I believe it. I mean, this show has demonstrated repeatedly it’s got some huge clanking balls, but this would alter the interpersonal dynamic that’s been operating from the miniseries onward in a deep and fundamental way. And it would seriously alienate a huge segment of the fan base.
Honestly, I don’t know whether the pluses of the move would, in a practical sense, outweigh the minuses. Still, the confirmed details above are pretty compelling.
I have to wonder whether they add up to something else, though. Maybe the character is abducted by the Cylons or disappears somehow, short of dying. At this point, anything is possible.
To listen to a radio interview with the cast member in which this rumor, and much else, is covered, click here. It’s about forty minutes long and is very entertaining, if occasionally distractingly digressive.
Anyway. There you go.