Ben Affleck and a Dead Hooker? Wha?

There were a couple of references to Ben Affleck and a dead hooker in Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back. I just wrote it off as a Kevin Smith inside joke and happily accepted that I’d been whooshed.

…Until Saturday Night Live made references to this a couple of weeks ago when Affleck was a guest host (I loved the bit with the Mary-Kate and Ashfleck T-shirt).

So, uh, what happened?


When asked in an interview about how he relates to Matt Damon, he said “If I ever woke up with a dead hooker in my hotel room, Matt would be first person I’d call.”

It became something of a meme.

You know that’s going to be in the 2023 edition of Bartlett’s Familiar Quotations under “Friendship.”

I saw both the movie and that episode, and didn’t really make the connection. Looking at the transcripts for the episode, it looks like a coincidence. A very poorly written coincidence.

I think the rest of the story is that when Matt Damen was asked the same question and told of Ben’s response, Matt said, “Ben’s the kind of friend who would have a dead hooker in his hotel room.” Sorry no cite; I think it was Oprah or something along those lines, back in the Good Will Hunting days.

Not sure if that is what the movie/SNL is referring to.

I don’t watch Saturday Night Live – (it puts the “turd” in “Saturday”) – but according to TVTome:

From Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back:

From an interview on the Oprah Winfrey show, 1998:

I don’t think it’s coincidence – it’s a running joke.


Something like that, jeevwoman:


This does put me in mind of a comedian whose name escapes me. He defined a “good” friend as the one who’d come to the police station at 3 a.m. to bail you out. If you had a “great” friend, though, his ass’d be in jail right next to yours.

“Good friends help you move. Real friends help you move bodies.”

Look, Jennifer Lopez may not be “pure” but she’s hardly a hooker. And it’s only her career that’s dead. Plus, they aren’t even a couple anymore.

What? Oh! Pardon me…

(“Jersey Girl” is looking to tank big time. Things haven’t been good lately for Ben and Kevin. If Matt Damon was a real friend, he’d clean up that mess now!)

Affleck: No, because I wasn’t with a hooker today! Ah-hah!" --From the following scene on the set of “Good Will Hunting 2”