Ben Carson for President thread

California is bigger than most nations. I suspect that if Clinton wasn’t in the race, Brown would have been in. If he’s young enough to run California he’s young enough to run the US.

The latter can only be done once in office, but the other two? Maybe. We’re not seeing it yet, Carson’s still learning how to speak and sound credible. The next step will be for him to refine his positions so that they actually make sense. His tax plan is unworkable, for example. Once he gets that far, he can either succumb to the politicians’ way, or he can maintain his authenticity. I’m hoping for the latter, but if he succeeded with the former I’d still laugh my ass off. It would serve the career politicians right for some newcomer to come in and play their corrupt game better than they do.

If he’s willing to change his skin color I think he might have a chance.

Carson within 4 of Trump in NH in latest poll:

Is Carson your guy, Addie or have you not selected a candidate yet?

He’s gone through Christie, Jindal, and yes, Carson previously. Kasich is his man today. But we’ll see after tonight.

Kasich’s my guy, Carson has never been. But I am enjoying his success.

Because you like the idea of a delusional moron who thinks that Jesus made dinosaurs 6000 years ago and homosexuality is a virus you catch in prison (despite being a trained doctor, who at least should understand the broad outlines of evolution) should be in charge of the world’s largest arsenal of nuclear weapons?

Never mind that he’s a lightweight know-nothing, he’s crazy. Don’t enjoy his success, think of it as a wake-up call for the GOP. Dipshits choose your candidates! That’s not a good thing.

Kasich’s your guy if you’re looking for someone to play an undertaker in a movie. National office, not so much. He reeks of blandness.

Carson isn’t going anywhere. Maybe we’re repeating the 2012 phenomenon where all the fringe candidates get a week in the spotlight.

They are all lightweight know nothings. The professionals just know how to fake it. If any of those losers had talent they wouldn’t be in politics, they’d be brain surgeons.

Like Carson?

Basically, all politicians are like Carly Fiorinia, with the exception that they knew well enough NOT to try their hand at anything where they would be accountable.

You’ve said it best. Her failed business record will be what keeps her from both the nomination and the ticket.

Not all politicians. Obama’s certainly much smarter than anyone running for the GOP nomination.

If he was, he would have done something real with his life. Like be a scientist or a surgeon. Instead he chose law, the refuge of the ambitious who lack the brains to do anything meaningful, but do have strong speaking skills.

That’s amazing. You work so hard to warp reality to fit your predetermined views that I think you’ve actually created a wormhole.

Or be President of the United States? That counts as having “done something real with his life”, doesn’t it?

Considering that more than a dozen people are spending millions of dollars to do it next, I’d have to say yes.

As if we’ve never elected anyone dim to the office. Ever met a dumb brain surgeon?

As has been repeatedly pointed out about Carson and similar medical professionals, it’s possible to be brilliant in one area and an utter dumbass in many others. In additional, surgical skills are not really transferable to the arena of international politics. So Carson’s medical background, while admirable, is not terribly relevant.

If I had a brain injury I would definitely want Carson as my doctor. Ironically, the only way I’d want him as my President is also if I had a brain injury.