Ben Carson for President thread

It’s comical how much your dislike of Obama has caused you to rationalize that members of a federal law-making body have the same level of insight into government as a neurosurgeon. Or that governors’ and mayors’ experience with cutting ribbons at the new senior center is the same as wrangling over a multi-trillion dollar budget, pinning blue ribbons on the biggest cabbage of the season at the state fair is equivalent to sitting on the Senate Intelligence Committee, and fighting public sector unions is the same as fighting ISIS.

You keep saying voters where you mean Republican primary voters. Or at least, I hope you mean Republican primary voters.

No, I mean all voters. Sanders is not pulling in liberal voters. Dennis Kucinich could have done that. There’s little daylight between those two and neither are charismatic. Sanders is doing well because he’s an independent voice, not even a member of the Democratic Party much less beholden to its interest groups.

And I don’t discount Senators because I don’t like Obama. I discount them in general unless they have other valuable experience. Senators are talkers. Executives are doers. Executives are in charge of governments. Senators are in charge of their staff.

Don’t you worry none, if he gets any real traction (and he won’t) the Kochs will find his price and meet it.

I don’t think Sanders can be bought. Unlike some others, he hasn’t gotten rich off his public service. If Sanders wanted to be bought, he’d already have been bought. Politicians who sell themselves don’t tend to wait.

I think Carson is up and all the non-Trumps are down because the way they are interacting with Trump makes all the others seem very non-presidential. No one knows how to handle Trump, and it makes them all look like weaklings. Ignoring Trump makes them look weak. Interacting with him makes them seem petty (and also weak). Carson is pretty much on Team Trump, scheduling joint-campaign events. He and Fiorona (since she wasn’t in the first debate, and Trump basically ignored her defense of Megyn Kelly) haven’t been in Trump’s crosshairs yet, so they are rising in the polls.

As pointed out upthread, this is flat wrong. Democratic voters aren’t rejecting experienced politicians. They are largely supporting Hillary, who is an experienced politician. Those who aren’t are support Sanders, who is an experienced politician. Only Republicans are throwing this childish fit.

I don’t even know what this means. What voters do you think Sanders is winning?

Senators deal with federal issues, make federal laws, and provide oversight of federal executive departments. Governors deal with local, provincial issues. A skilled governor can parlay their experience into one level into success at the next. Clinton is a good example. But an unskilled governor just looks like Palin or Walker.

Politico has a very interesting opinion piece on the reasons for Carson’s surge.

PPP has him doing the best against Clinton nationally(tied), and with the best approval rating in either field:

In their poll, 41% approve of Carson, only 36% approve of Clinton.

Well I will say this:

Anyone who can become a brain surgeon and still doubt the validity of evolution has preformed a trick of incredibly mental acuity

Because that’s what I really admire, a doctor who hates the idea of socialized medicine! If it were possible, I’d vote for Ben Carson twice!!!

Most doctors I’ve encountered hate socialized medicine. Not surprising, considering it impacts their personal earning potential.


Only because most people don’t know Jack Shit about him. Once the spotlight stays on him a while and people start hearing the WTF beliefs he has (Hey, did you know that prison is where all the gay came from?), then his numbers will drop.

He may be a neurosurgeon, but that proves he is good at one thing. That doesn’t make him good at everything. No proof whatsoever that he can be a good leader. politician, president, etc.

But maybe he is the best you guys have. Good luck with that.

In the latest poll (Monmouth), Trump beats* all the other GOP contenders one-on-one.

Except Ben Carson, who wipes the floor with Trump by a 55-36 margin.

Of course, if the GOP race comes down to Trump v. Carson, I’m taking it as a sign of the End Times, and heading for the hills.
*FWIW, Trump beats Ted Cruz by only 48-41, but beats everyone else by at least 13 points, including beating Jebbie by 19.

As of today, Carson has drawn even with Trump in the polls. Neither of them are remotely qualified to be President and are unlikely to be effective in the office.

THey are certainly less qualified than most in both fields, but if the public wants an outsider, an outsider they shall have. The qualified folks haven’t exactly been doing their jobs, unless you consider their jobs to be spin, deceive, and avoid accountability.

Trump and Carson do have one qualification their opponents do not: when things went wrong, there was no one to shift the blame to. It’s time to restore “the buck stops here” to the Presidency. Bush and Obama have muddied that concept in the public’s mind. “I read about it in the paper, same as you!” I bet you Trump and Carson never pull that one. Even if it’s true, you don’t admit that you don’t know what your administration is up to.

What’s hilarious about Carson’s rise is that what I said a few months ago but never believed could actually happen seems to be coming to pass. Carson is becoming a better candidate with each passing month. He’s learning his new trade very well. It would indeed be high performance art if the bumbling gaffe machine from April became serious Presidential material by January. He’s not there yet, but he’s got better favorables than any candidate in either field and is the only candidate to have polls showing him beating both Clinton and Biden.

California Governor Jerry Brown uses Twitter to school Ben Carson about the reality of global warming.

It’s too bad Brown’s so old, he’d make a good POTUS.

Ben Carson slams “sickening” Black Lives Matter movement for “bullying people”.

So he’s learning to “spin, deceive, and avoid accountability”, then?

Good for Jerry Brown, but this guy continues to parrot the right’s anti-science stance, which is why I consider him to be a poor choice for the top office.