Best names on the boards

Pretend I didn’t spell your name wrong.

A little pink dragon, huh? That’s certainly a new one. :slight_smile: I’m almost afraid to ask what it means…

[sub]Psst! Sue Duhnym! If it makes you feel better, I always have to check and make sure that I include the “h” in your name. For some reason, I tend to forget that particular letter.[/sub]

The name just conjures up that image…a gentle pink dragon with wings.

Maybe I need to change my dosage. :smiley:

I think my favorite names are the ones oldscratch mentioned on his stupid names thread:
weapons grade bullonium
I’m gona bulk up on fonts

There’s no accounting for taste, I guess.

Plus I have to give kudos to the user who got the name Cecil Adams. That’s a great catch. :slight_smile:

Going to have to agree with Purd Werfect and Serendipity

Sue Duhnym is one of the best. It took me forever to get the joke though. I’m a bit slow.

I also like Anthracite,Crunchy Frog, and Zenster

Oh, and FTR, Serendipity was in fact pink Loch Ness like sea creature (IIRC).

I used to live for that show when I was a wee gipper.

I even remember part of the theme song:

No one cares like my friend Serendipity…

Ahh, the memories…

I get the same image from Serendipity. Probably because I had a book when I was a small child, actually entitled Serendipity, that was, if I remember correctly, about a pink dragon. There was a series of books-they included Leo the Lop, another of my favorites that I believe were called Serendipity books.
As far as names… I really like BornDodgy and CrunchyFrog. They amuse me, and I suppose I’m easily amused.

Gawd, this is embarassing, but I just got what Sue’s screen name meant!! I guess this would be understandable if this were post number 10 for me or something.

I guess I was struck by her beauty and never thought about the name! (Oh yeah, I’ve seen the pictures!:D)

::Sheepishly runs away::

Two more votes for Sue Dunhym (and gee, you ARE a looker, Sue) and Spiny Norman (and gee, you ARE a… no, wait, that’s no good.)

I like them because they’re jokes - in one case a pun, in the other a classical reference - but they sound like actual names.

Also good:

HAMADRYAD - I dunno why, I just like the flow of the word


NACHO4SARA - because I totally understand the sentiment

I think the best names (in no particular order) are slythe, TVeblen, Eutychus55, UncleBeer, Coldfire, manhattan, Chronos, David B, Gaudere, Lynn Bodoni, TubaDiva, Arnold Winkelried, CK Dexter Haven, Alphagene, and John Corrado.

Okay, I couldn’t resist that. I really think the best names are:

Fairy Princess Kitty
Duck Duck Goose
Badtz Maru (I don’t know if it is a reference to something, I just like the way it sounds.)

Wonko the Sane makes me giggle like a 12 year old.

Purd Werfect is funny too.

Coldfire…not because the name is hilarious…but the poster behind the name is a treat to read…seems like someone I’d want to meet.

Suck up. I suppose Ed Zotti and Cecil Adams aren’t good enough for you. Well, I like them best. So there too. :wink:

Not yet mentioned…

Mega the roo

I’ll second these…

Wonko the Sane
Sue Duhnym
Intriguing Question Mark
Crunchy Frog
Purd Werfect

…and many more that escape me at the moment.


My favorites are Jonathan Chance, even though I am not really much of a styx fan, and C.K. Dexter Haven.
I just think both names roll of the tongue.

Seeing the name JimmyNipples always makes me smile.

Guess I picked the wrong reference to the correct skit.

[Blatant plea for attention]So I’m the only Kerouac/Ginsberg/Beat fan on the board? Gee, I’d have thought there’d be more.[/Blatant plea for attention]

        " **

Ed Zotti and Cecil Adams aren’t around enough to be worth it. I am going to stick to sucking up to the people who really run the show.

Did anybody say Mr. Cynical?

That’s what my mom calls me.