Best names on the boards

Why, I’m so flattered to be mentioned, that I’ll magnanimously ignore any errors that may have occurred, no matter what new and horrific context they suggest. :slight_smile: Thanks Sue.

I really like the names SPOOFE Bo Diddly, Slithy Tove, and TubaDiva.

I’m submitting Sue Duhnym yet again, just so I can get the spelling right.

And any name with Nipples in it, such as that sported by Jimmy Nipples, is cool beyond compare.

…so i’ll throw these ones in instead:

Woodstock Birdy Bird
Trout Mask Replica

and seconds for:

SPOOFE Bo Diddly

i guess i just like long weird names.

I daresay that Simon Ate A Pieman would be even more interesting than Simon Met A Pieman. I would certainly be curious for an explanation (“Well, my name’s Simon, and I ate this guy … he was delicious!”).

Wow, THREE people already mentioned my moniker! And here I was gonna come in and make a wiseass remark about “I really like the name SPOOFE Bo Diddly”…

Ah, well…

For some reasons, I’ve always liked Kilgore Trout, just for the obscure Breath of Fire reference.

And, as always, Unclebeer’s nickname, UnclePee, makes me laugh my ass off all the damn time.

And I second (third? Fourth? Fifth?) Purd Werfect. The instant I noticed that name (months ago), it struck me as extremely humorous.

Isn’t Kilgore Trout the Grouchy Sci Fi author from Slaughterhouse Five?

Muppetsoup (charming imagery) is my new favorite handle.

Whoops! :smiley:

Well, I still like it!

Dammit. Last time we had one of these threads I know I was mentioned once or twice. Bugger.

Somewhere lurking around here there is a:
**Foaming Pipe Snake **

That completely cracks me up.


Tit Whistle is unforgettable.

Mark My Words: Chicken of Bristol.

In Breath of Fire II, Kilgore was the name of an NPC that hired your characters to infiltrate another guy’s house. This other guy was named Trout.

But yes, Kilgore Trout is the character from Slaughter House Five.

Thanks for shout out, Scratch. I feel validated.

Thanks SterlingNorth and Phobos!

I like iamthecowgodmoo and silver fire and Phobos and Chronos and dpr.

a new one:
GW’s Evil YOUNGER Sister
(I particularly like the emphasis on “YOUNGER”)

I also nominate tatertot and hypergirl, two names that just seem to fit them so perfectly.
…and I second CrunchyFrog

I’m kind of partial to ** Spider Woman**

It kind of walks the line between evoking a a superheroine who web-slings through the city fighting for truth, justice and the American way and calling to mind a dark, sinister, predatory type of femininity.

I love it.

Wow. Really? Thanks, IQM!

I’ve always dug Neuro Trash Grrrl’s sig. (Hope I spelled that right…)
And you can’t go wrong with Swimming Riddles either.