Best names on the boards


My all-time favorite names, in no particular order, are:

[li]Chrome Toaster[/li]In fact, on all of my computers, the icon for My Computer is a 50’s style chrome toaster, and is renamed to-you guessed it-Chrome Toaster.
[li]Neuro-Trash Grrl[/li]This name rocks, literally, as every awesome post she makes is backed, in my mind at least, by Living Dead Girl, Rob Zombie. I love that song.
[li]Coldfire[/li]This is just one of those cool names. It helps that the guy behind it is cool, too. In any case, ever since both SDMB Legion of DOOM threads, I can’t get the association between this name and a slick high-profile corporate lawyer out of my head.
[li]High-tech Burrito[/li]This handle speaks for itself.
[li]smackfu[/li]This name is cool because I imagine it being “smackfui”. In any case, it sounds like something the dopers do to ignorance. We are all trained in the arts of Smack Fu.
[li]imthecowgodmoo[/li]Once again, this handle speaks for itself.
[li]Swimming Riddles[/li]Sort of school house rock on acid type of name, this one sticks in my mind like an ice pick wielded by a psychotic letter F.
[li]ChrisP One Kenobe[/li]Along Obi One Cajone, this play off of Obi Wan Kenobe makes me laugh long and loud, as do some of the posts that follow it.
[li]DeathLlama[/li]Llamas are very cool, and one of my favorite phrases is stolen from Winamp: “It really whips the llamma’s ass.”
[li]Drain Bead[/li]Again, it just speaks for itself. If only we could convince Satan to rename himself to “Dain Bramage”.
[li]FreakFreely[/li]I can imagine being on an airplane in world in which this doper lives, and hearing “boing! Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking,” <bong sounds in background> “Feel Free to Freak Freely about the cabin.”
[li]Doobieous[/li]You know, normally I don’t like puns, but this is a really good play on words.
[li]Mega the Roo[/li]I know it sounds like a pokemon name, but I rather like it.
[li]RealityChuck[/li]I don’t know what it is about this one that makes me like it so much. But I do.

And that’s all. For now.

I can’t believe no one’s mentioned Shirley Ujest yet. The very first time I looked at these boards, there was a thread started by her (I had no idea what this site was about at that time) and as I read her name I about pissed my panties. I knew then that this was a great place. I also like many of those already listed, but will give another mention to CrankyAsAnOldMan because it’s just so funny.

Whoooooo HOOOOOOOO I am actually mentioned in a popularity poll! I am so excited I just may dust off the old tiara and ball gown. Makes me glad I didn’t pick something like:
Wandering Hedgehog. (Which I just made up and sounds pretty cool.)
Some of my favorite names have been mentioned here, but there was one who posted and haven’t seen around ( I’ve been a little busy lately) : **Blinking Duck **

I just think that is such a cool name. I think of a duck sitting before the computer.