I’ve been a lurker on this board for over a year now and find it very entertaining and informative, but I hate to have this as my first post. First a little background info (skip if you just want to read the question)…
I moved to this town over two years ago and through the youth group at the church that I attend I have met many people. Some are friends, some are aquaintances. The girl that this post deals with was more of an aquaintance until recently. We have always been friendly and flirted with each other, but one of her friends started working where I do and she has started hanging around a lot and I now consider her a friend. When I first met her she was active in after-school activities and ran around with other girls like that, but when I found out that she was friends with my coworker, I started asking other people questions about her. The reason I started asking is because her friend uses drugs, heavily I’m told. The information that I discovered was that in April she was found with marijuana at school. She also no longer hangs around with the people she used to and is no longer active in after-school activities. She is on probation until December and must be in her house by ten on weekdays and eleven on weekends and must take weekly drug tests. She has been completely drug free since she started taking the drug tests and follows her curfew strictly. Why am I concerned? She still runs around with the same drug-using friends and not only do they still do drugs heavily, but they have started to move on to other drugs. I have no doubt that if she had not been caught that she would be using these harder drugs too.
My question is how do I try to prevent her from going back to drugs? If noone does anything then there is no doubt in my mind that she will start right up again when her probation is over and she will start on the harder stuff that her friends use. I have talked to one of my friends who is also friends with her and is as much against drugs as I am. We both refuse to associate with drugs and will not be around anyone who does. Our problem is that we either have to quit associating with her or we have to help her. I know her probation is over in December and that is a long way off, but I figure the earlier I start, the better. I’m thinking of proposing to my friend that the three of us ride around and talk like we do everyonce in a while. We’ll go on a longer ride and me and my friend will eventually get on the topic of drugs. She will no doubt state her position and we will state our positions and how we formed them and how we are very concerned with her and care for her and so on. We would tell her that we will help her anyway that it takes to keep her clean. My only problem with this is that she may get mad, feeling we are judging her or trying to tell her what to do or something, and she will no longer like us, resulting in a lost friendship. I feel it is worth risking a friendship to help a friend, but would like to know your opinions. Is my idea good or bad, or would you suggest I do something different or even just mind my own business? Any and all opinions will be greatly appreciated and if I left something important out, ask quesitons, becuase I genuinely want to help her.