Better Titles for HIMYM [major spoiler]

How I Met Your Mother, and then I’m going to skip over anything about her and jump to

. the part where she dies.

How is the current title in any way inconsistent with that?

Anyone have a brief synopsis of how the show ended? I’ve never really cared for it (except for NPH) but as long as it’s the Topic Du Jour…

The mother Ted meets dies. Barny & Robin get divorced after 3 years. Teds kids want him to Date Robin after their mother has been dead for 6 years. Barney gets some chick pregnant, has a love child, and swears his love to her. The married couple announce a 3rd baby.

So…I’m guessing the show jumps forward about 10 years or so right at the end?Thanks!

I guess the obvious is HIMY Stepmother.

All The Women I Banged Before I Met Your Mother
That’s pretty much what it was about.

The Endless Parade of Skanks Finally Ends


What a horrible sounding ending

::Salutes:: Major Spoiler

How I Was Sort of Obnoxious for 8 Years, and Then Turned Into Bob Saget and Back Again.

I lol’ed.

I always liked the literal Chinese Title, Man Cruelly Taunts His Children About Their Lineage.

How to slap your fans in the face outside of Slapbet bounds.

How to turn your comedy into a drama for no good reason

Ok, mine aren’t funny. I’m still really pissed off.

HIPTTYHIMYMBRJWTTAR: How I pretended to tell you how I met your mother but really just wanted to talk about Robin. It works whether you liked the ending or not, because it’s canon.

I probably could be more succinct, but I think the longer title is funnier.

The “her” in question is the child, correct?


A few weeks ago I made the following post:

Now that I’ve seen the ending, I humbly suggest “How I got over Robin, met your mother, and then after she died, got back with Robin again”

Also, it was probably the best ending and best planned out television show in history. The fans who think it was a terrible ending are just flat out wrong.

Must disagree. Well planned? Sure. Well executed? No. They might have had this plan from the beginning, but as the show evolved, this story line should have evolved as well. This is how the best shows do.

This is such a silly thing to say. There’s no right and wrong here. If you liked the ending and thought it was skillfully done, I’m happy for you. You’re not wrong.

I hated it. I thought it was tonally clumsy, unfunny and yet unmoving, and weakly written, and I am a person who has enjoyed nearly every other episode the series has ever produced (even the ones most people hated!). It produced no emotional reaction. I thought it was the single worst finale of any television show with a meaningful finale that I’ve ever seen.

I’m not wrong, either.

There’s room for you to like it and me to hate it without either of us being right or wrong; we have different expectations from our stories, and yours were met and mine were (to say the least) not.