A good point was made in the existing Big Brother thread that it would be nice to have someplace we can discuss unaired stuff from the live feeds. So here it is.
Thanks jayjay. I didn’t get to see the Wed show yet but it has been broadcast on the East coast.
As I understand it, Donny won the Power of Veto and Joey was the replacement nominee.
Personally, I like Brittany and hope Joey goes home because that might put an end to their stupid new twist of Team America. Wouldn’t it be hilarious if they announce this big new twist and it gets cancelled before it even gets started?
I’m not seeing a need for this. Big Brother threads are usually pretty short, with little to no discussion for most of the season. “Pages and pages” is overstating it by quite a bit.
For the five years I’ve been participating in Big Brother threads here on the boards (this will be the sixth) we’ve always used a single thread with spoiler boxes, and it’s worked quite well.
Consider last year’s thread, with a grand total of 92 posts and a handful of spoiler boxes. Granted, last season pretty much sucked, but this season smells like another suckfest.
The 2012 season thread is a better example. That was a great season, with Dan Dan the Magic Mist Man in action. Tons of discussion, tons of spoiler boxes. And we still only managed 170 posts total. Page 3 of that thread is a good example of what it looks like with tons of spoiler boxes, and I think it worked fine. (The first dozen or so posts on page 3 are worth re-reading for nostalgia.)
Oops. I made a mistake above when I said Brittany.
It was Pao and Donny who were on the block.
There is a custom option in the USER CP tab to set posts per page to 200.
The 2012 thread is only one page long for me and not 4 pages.
Was it last year or the year before that they had the secret “saboteur” twist, and that person got voted off in the first week? I loved that, if only because I imagined the producers scrambling for some way to salvage the gimmick / season.
The Saboteur season was the season of the Brigade, which was a few years back in 2010.
Apparently the new noms are Hayden, Nichole, Brittany and Pao.
I guess someone doesn’t like Pao.
Strange. I would have thought that Devin would have made a deal with Amber for her to nom Donny and he would nom someone that Amber wanted. I guess Devin will have to live with Donny for another week.
I don’t know who nominated whom though and I would sure like to know that.
I would guess that Devin nominated Pao and Brittany since they aren’t in his alliance.
Hayden and Nicole aren’t in his alliance either.
Well he could only nominate two people. Right?
So after nominating two people who weren’t in his alliance, he couldn’t nominate anyone else.
If I’m not mistaken, Devon chose first. I think he prob wanted to nominate Donnie. But he couldn’t do that because he wouldn’t be able to explain that to Donnie who he supposedl has that “Double D” alliance.
So, he would just have to choose two people who weren’t in the Bomb Squad leaving Brittany to chose whoever was left.
I would have thought Devon might have tried to make a secret deal with Amber so that she would nominate Donnie and in return, he would nom someone she chose.
But, I don’t really get your point. Are you saying that Devon should have nominated someone else?
Apparently Nichole & Hayden won the Battle of the Block.
If I understand how that works, it means that Amber is no longer an HoH and that leaves Devin as the sole HoH for the rest of the week.
Brittany and Pao remain on the block. I’m thinking Pao will have a very nerve-wracking week since it is her second week in a row on the block. She could still win the POV. But how likely is that? Not very, I don’t think.
It should be a very unpleasant week having to listen to Devin talk and talk and talk. He sure does love the sound of his own voice and he thinks that he is the big boss of the entire house and will remain the big boss for the rest of this season.
At least it is a lot of fun to listen to some of his crazy talk on the live feeds or the overnight shows. But only in very small doses.
Is it just me or does Devin remind anybody of OJ Simpson?
But he doesn’t seem to display any aggression. Yet!
Should the other HGs be afraid?
Just hope he doesn’t go to wearing gloves!
Wonderful. OJ Simpson and Forrest Gump (Donnie)
Well, as so many people figured, the Bomb Squad blew itself up last night and it is no more.
Apparently Caleb said something to Devin who freaked out and announced the BS was now finished.
What a freaking hot head!
One of the ladies (I forget which one) has said she is afraid of Devin and refuses to sleep in the same room as he does.
Not at all surprising.
The HN’s are: Brittany, Zack, Derrick & Victoria.
The POV players were: Devin, Brittany, Paola, Derrick, Zach & Amber. Donny was the host.
Devin won the Veto.
I hope the rest of the house will now be fed up with that idiot winning everything and give him the boot.
America’s team is Donny, Derrick and Frankie.
It’s getting to be progressively more difficult to like any of these people. Donny is about it for me. I must be their ideal target audience member in that I will stay interested in the show until they clear the place of all those I don’t care for.
I’m actually starting to like Zack. That whole Frankie-crush is so sweet and adorable and TOTALLY not in denial about things like his orientation…