Well, there seems to be a hell of a lot of interest in the Millionth Post which - as Silver must be getting REALLY sick of pointing out - has alredy been and gone.
So, i figure, with all this interest in a Millionth Post (which is no longer a factor) we should really do some serious planning as to what we’re gonna do for the Billionth Post.
Is there gonna be some kinda prize? Maybe some baloons? Champagne fountain? Lawn darts?
Personally, i’m all for cage dancers, but that’s just me
Look you ignorant fuck… This has already been brought up twice. Maybe if you spent more time reading the boards rather than drooling you would know this.
I prayed that the ass goblins would go away.
They left in an ass goblin boat.
I missed them.
I cried.
I prayed that the ass goblins would return some day.
They came back wearing hawaiian outfits.
I kissed them.
I laughed.
Ass goblins and I, shared some cookies, and some cake. Then we went to the library and got books out about shiny rocks and porpoises.