Me – Fever, cough, bad headache, muscle aches.
Wife – Low fever, sore throat, achy, cough.
Neither one of us can sleep. That’s the worse part. Chills, heat flashes, sweating on one side freezing on the other. Muscle aches make it impossible to get comfortable, coughing keeping both of us awake.
Missed two days of work so far, which is OK. We both have hundreds (like 800) hours of sick time saved up, so we don’t abuse it. I don’t like that my boss is kinda passive aggressive about it.
Heh. My boss went home sick early about two weeks ago. He called me later to see if I would help him unload his new flat screen TV. So I don’t feel to bad staying home with the flu, ‘cept I feel like hammered shit.
Think its some sort of virus or flu. Though the head cold aspect is starting up.
And not a bit of cold medicine in the house. This is day two. I’m going to have to venture out in the snow to load up on cough syrup and stuff.