Blondes ..

Why are all the jokes on them ?? :dubious:


Because, blonde = pretty, and, pretty means able to get what she wants without being clever. The Paris Hilton stereotype.

Just ask John McCain about that today… :smiley:

It’s the chemicals from the hair dye, it eats brain cells.

My Swedish cousins are blond(e) and smart… but then they didn’t have to dye their hair. :slight_smile:

The following true story[sup]1[/sup] occurred at the bank I used to work at in downtown Manhattan. A pretty blond came in and asked to speak to a loan officer. “I need to borrow a thousand dollars to go on vacation,” she said. The loan officer asked if she had any collateral. “Oh, yes,” she replied, “my car is parked out front.”

The loan officer glanced up from his desk to spy a bright red $100,000 Ferarri. Naturally, this was an opportunity too good to pass up. Before she knew what was happening, she had a signed note for $1000 at 6.5% annual interest, secured by her highly expensive car, of which the manager duly took possession and stashed in the secure area of the bank parking garage.

Exactly one month later, after presumably enjoying a whirlwind tour around Europe, she came back in to pay her loan off. She happily presented a wad of cash worth exactly $1005.42 – the original loan plus one month’s interest.

The loan officer reluctantly returned her car keys, but his curiosity could no longer be contained. “Ma’am, I have to ask. Clearly you’re a woman of some means; why did you have to take out such a small loan to go on vacation?”

“Well,” she replied, “where else in Manhattan can you park for a month for five dollars?”

[sub]1. Not a true story. No blond would be that clever.[/sub]

Pity the poor blond Irishmen.

We could make fun of other groups but they would get the joke.

Plus it helps that they can’t read.

If you want a serious answer: It is highly unusual for an adult to have naturally blonde hair. Therefore, it is probably bleached. In times past, this was an unusual thing to do; thus, a woman who did so was judged to be shallow and having little but her looks to recommend her. To put it another way, a smart woman would not take the time for such a frivolous endeavor.

Don’t they dye their hair ginger…?

-D & R-



You are a doper and obviously an exception to this … :smiley:

Well this blond doesn’t consider himself that stupid.

The real answer is that many if not most blond jokes are simply rebranded ethnic jokes, blonds being one of the few “safe” groups left.

My older daughter, a dishwater blonde, is one of the smartest young women I know. When she graduated from college, she began to dye her hair various shades of red. I asked her why; she told me that as a teacher, she wanted to be taken seriously.

Her Xanga page shows a new pic. She’s let two long strands framing her face go back to her natural color. The rest of her mane she keeps red.

Love, Phil

Why are blonde jokes always one-liners?So that brunettes can understand them.

What on earth is a ‘dishwater blonde’? It sounds vaguely insulting, like ‘mousy’ for brown.

I’m blonde and arguably smrt, but every time I have an academic job interview (now many many times, unfortunately) I start to wonder if it’s hurting me, and if I should dye it. Insane thought? Oh my, yes.

When my son was still in High School he wanted to dye the top of his head blue for summer vacation. Because he had very black hair I had to first bleach the hair before I could dye it. ( his mother disavowed any involvement.) After I bleached it, he was a blond and wanted to live with that look for a while before we dyed it blue. That night he went to his cousin’s house for a visit where everybody is blond. His relatives at his cousin’s house (who had been blondes all their lives) treated him as a *** new *** blonde. they played the board game Monopoly. They would hand him the dice and tell him: “these are dice. You shake them and then throw them and then count the numbers of dots on the top.” Then when it was his turn again, they would hand him the dice and tell him: “these are dice. You shake them and then throw them and then count the numbers of dots on the top.”