Boston Dopers: I need help

Important question: How will Dopers identify themselves? How will we know who the others are? Maybe there should be some sort of rallying flag, and some of you might want to give a description. (Remember – there are no reservations, so you can’t ask for “The Doper Table”, which would, in any case, sound like a bad idea.)
Me – 5’7", brown hair, beard. I’ll try to wear my Miskatonic University T-shirt (“Go Pods!”) so as to be inconspicuous.

Long hair.

Variously described as looking like either a biker or a hippy burnout by folks who don’t know me. But I’m really much closer to an insane Russian monk. Well, except for teh monkish part. And the Russian part.

MIT Ballroom Dance Team

I’m the one in the bright blue shirt (the real shirt, not the bright blue bra) standing on the right, and Mr. Nugent is the one lying down in front.

I’ll be there. If anybody needs to recognize me, I have a picture on the People Pages. I’m the one on the right.

Ummmmm — I seem to have missed it.

I showed up at The Hilltop in my Miskatonic University shirt about 8:30, but couldn’t seem to find anybody. After the talk about 10 being early I felt sure I’d at least find someone in the bar, but no such luck. Our last Boston DopeFest went on for few hours, after all.
So if anyone was there – clue me in. How many folks showed up?

Aww, Spiritus, next time you’re in Boston (providing it’s after the 12th of August or so) I promise to spit on you if you wave some $100’s at me. :wink:

Cal, using the patent pending “ErisLover Calendar”? Monday after today (well, maybe “yesterday” if you read this tomorrow…er, today… [sub]just be there next Monday[/sub]).

Owe SM a beer, eh? Well, I did include the “grovel clause” which she did act on, but hey, no need to pick more nits. :stuck_out_tongue:

I will be the average-looking guy there. Keep your eyes peeled.

Sorry, I was away for the weekend and I’m just seeing this thread now.

Anyway, I’m in the same category as pammipoo, both in that I’m only 19 and that I’ll be coming if I find nothing better to do … but Monday’s usually a good night for me, and I’d be sorry to miss a Boston Dope Fest when I’m in the right country for a change.

So, um, count me in, keep me posted, and I hope to see you all there. (Oh, and I used to have a pic on the people pages … don’t know what happened to it.) I’ll be the guy with a beard, dressed in business casual, looking lost…

OK, I’ve got it now.

Pick away – you said “except maybe to plead for mercy”. She did lots of other stuff before pleading for mercy. :smiley:

Anyway, will someone make a reservation for Monday night? Say 10-12 depending on who pipes up in the next coupple of days?

CalMeacham – once again a visionary suffers for being ahead of his time. :wink:

And what is it you’ve got a PhD in, again? :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah, I’ll be there.

And the sidewalks roll up at midnight round these parts. Those rare souls that stick around in the bars until 2AM, when they close, can’t even take public transportation. Hell, the nearest Denny’s, in Lexington, isn’t even open 24 hours a day. I didn’t even know that that was possible.

In all fairness to the MBTA, I mus point out that they need to do routine track maintenance during the night, and unlike New York City, there is only one track in each direction, so they can’t run any trains while doing so. But there is no excuse for a 2AM closing time.

Any volunteers for calling for reservations? I’d hate to have five seperate reservations.

And what is the party name? “Cecil, party of 15.” :smiley:

I can call for a reservation – I almost did last Monday (we won’t talk about that). hey don’t take reservations for groups under 10, usually, so we’d better make it for 10-12, as you say.

And et’s not make it for the “Dopers”. It’s really embarrassing to go around asking for the Dopers table.

How about “The Teemings”?

By tradition, the reservation is made in the name of Cecil Adams.

Sure, we could go with tradition. But wouldn’t you like to here somebody announce: Teemings, party of millions?

Okay, I’ve made a reservation at the Hilltop for Monday, July 23 at 7:30, in the name of Cecil Adams. Abandon all Hope Ye Who Enter.

I think I will start building anticipation now.

It want me to drive straight through the center of Bostn during evening rush hour. How about it, natives, would it be better to take I-95 around the perimeter then come south on US1? Or should I believe teh Internet Gods and drive through on I-90/MASS PIKE etc.?

Downtown Boston at rush hour? It would be better for you to head south and go the long way 'round the Earth.

Oh sheesh…AAAAAAACK!!! trying to resist the urge to pull out her hair, thinking that if Spiritus even DARES to attempt downtown at the height of rush hour, NOBODY will ever meet him!

regaining composure

Ah, well…okay, I’m fine. Please excuse the conniption fit…

The reason why I “screamed” is because we’ve got “The Big Dig” going on downtown…a multimillion dollar project that supposedly will relieve the traffic congestion by putting the Central Artery (the major highway which cuts through downtown) underground…also includes a new bridge over the mouth of the Charles River/inner Boston Harbor, plus other thruways going helter-skelter…in short, it’s a huge corrupted mess! If you were to go down the Mass Pike, you’d run right into it when you make the turn to go toward Route 1 because the project begins as the Pike exit. Traffic’s been known to back up to God knows where. I thank my lucky stars that I don’t work downtown because I’d probably kill myself rather than attempt driving it!

Which leads me to your other option (95 to Route 1 south). One problem I forsee in that is that parts of 95 are also very slow going, although once you hit Route 1 South (go north and you’ll end up in New Hampshire), it should be OK since you’ll be mostly going against the traffic. The other problem is that it’s a hell of a loooong way around…

EEEK! You could probably bypass all this if you left Milford earlier so you’d miss the bulk of the traffic…

hoping that she’s not scaring Spiritus to death in saying all this…