Brain farts in the MMP

Peaches, you wrote : “…and calculus for her easy A classes…” Mind officially boggled. Hope she pulls the A in Anthropology.

Sari, I’ll lay 5 (cents that is) on the trap working first. And the kid, for all his foibles, seems to be pretty smart, based on the grades he’s been pulling while I’ve been reading the MMP.

Nautilus, What you describe as a brain fart is actually the ‘oh shit’ reaction. :cool::stuck_out_tongue:

Shady, my house is schizophrenic; part of it gets way warm and other portions (including the computer area) never quite warms up. Maybe the location of the Heating unit, but who knows.

Nappage accomplished. Now need to decide if I go out for dinner or forage in my refrigerator.

I haz a tummy ache, so dinner was soup and saltines. Ursula Kitteh is on my lap and we are still watching RuPaul.

Girl 2.0 is weird. Calculus and English composition have rules, and are easy to understand (for her.) Anthropology doesn’t have rules.

(No diagnosis, but I wouldn’t be shocked if someone dxed the kid as high-functioning autistic. She likes concrete rules. She does very well in general social situations - like working in customer service, but not so much in smaller society. I have always tended to find that normal. The more I learn, though, the more I wonder whether I’m on the spectrum. It seems to run in my family to various degrees.)

Welcome back boofae!

metal mouse, the library remodels and new branches that I’ve been to in the past few years are shorter on bookshelf space than they used to be. More of the books are electronic and the branches tend to be community gathering spots, so they’re serving the same functions and then some.

nemo, brain farts sometimes leave your head much in the same way that intestinal ones do: uncontrolled and sometimes embarrassing.

Speaking of brain farts, I had a totally blonde day today. The main monitor on my 'puter at irk went blank and I had to crawl under the desk to fix it, I began the usual Monday reports and forgot to go in and update the graph data tabs first, so I had to start them over and then I left one of the managers off the email to get approval (to be fair, she had just been added and I had neglected to add her to the distro). On top of that, the zipper on my pants went to hell. Fortunately, my shirt was long enough to cover it.

Tonight’s chores are in the washer and dryer, the mending basket and the new leash hooks on the kitchen table with the drill and screwdriver. Yippee! NOT!

I heard that autistic girls often learn to do better in social situations than autistic boys, though like a lot of things about autistic people, this is a generalization and doesn’t apply to everyone.

Home from Vestry meetin’. It was not as bad as it could have been given the fact it was a budget meetin’. Couple issues got sent back to the finance committee for review and possible revision but other than that smooth sailin’. Thus final approval will be at the January meetin’. Twixt now and then I expect a flurry (borderin’ on blizzard) of emails about the issues of concern. Fun stuff.

50°s? I am amused by that being quite cold. :stuck_out_tongue:
Speaking of which, we haven’t heard from Doggio today; I wonder if he’s powerless.

All well & good, except tonight’s chore was to take out the garbage. :smack:

Yup, sometimes going to a Budget meeting Hertz.
Dinner was chicken fetty tuck knee.

My mother has been diagnosed with diabetes. Fortunately her A1C1 is pretty low, so we have time to get her eating healthier and exercising.

Did I spell that wrong? Quite or quiet. I think I spelled it right. Some one will be along to make the determination. And for someone who lives in 80 degree plus year round 50’s is cold. It’s brisk not really cold. I truly do t know how you all live up there.

I am depressed. Got the blues. Bad. Here’s hoping I have a better outlook tomorrow.

It’s 40°F here, and gray and damp, and maybe that’s not cold in Bumfuck, Manitoba, but it’s miserable in southeast Georgia.

And I just got reprimanded because I told someone to call a veterinarian, not social media, for symptoms that sound pretty serious in a domestic animal. (Reduced respiration, shakiness, pet unable to stand. We can all tell you about the time our dog had similar symptoms, but we can’t diagnose from here, even if we were trained. Get off Facebook and call the emergency vet. And get over yourself when I suggest that you get off social media and check with your vet. I’m not being rude. I’m offering the only responsible suggestion after you asked for advice.)

Butters, in October, 1971, my ship transited from Key West to Philadelphia Naval Shipyard for a six-month overhaul. We had been in Gitmo, Haiti, and Jamaica during July and August.

Philly was about 8 degC (~45 degF) when we arrived. It was mighty cold for me, and I had spent December, 1970-June, 1971, at NTC Great Lakes, IL. A shipmate had never been North of the latitude of Los Angeles–he was in shock and awe that the Navy could/would do that to him!

Worked, came home. Got tow days off in a row.

I can reitre any time I want, and live comfortably for the rest of my life. As long as I’m eaten by wolves at my reitrement party.

We had scooter races at our last hockey convention. We are growing older, but not up.:smiley:

Mutants For Nukes!

My side of the apartment gets nothing from the HVAC unit. I use a radiator in winter, and a fan in summer.

Nah, I brain farted, and forgot to post in the A.M.:smack: I did lose power at work Sunday.


Sorry to hear about your mom, Flipper. I hope the new program gets things back under control.

I gave Akiko a bully stick (speaking of parts). She is enjoying it immensely. She’s still got her baby teeth, and she really likes to chew.

Good Mornin’ Y’all! Up and caffeinatin’. YAWN ‘Tis 43 Amurrkin out and cloudy (dark actually) with a predicted high of 57 and partly cloudy for the day. Does that mean mostly N.O.S. as well? Today I shall launder and make beast stew and cornbread for sup. The biiiiiiiig slow cooker thingy will actually make the beast stew, but I do have to prep it all first so I guess that counts as me makin’ it too. I need to make up a grocery list as well.

One of my bros sent me a text to go to google maps and enter the address where our mom lived, now sis’s place. It shows a picture of mom waterin’ her flowers. this is the link for those interested.

{{{Butters}}} hope today is better and warmer.

Flipper here’s hopin’ your mom can control diabetes through diet and healthier livin’. My oldest brother has been able to do that so far.

Now I need more caffeine and to feed rumbly tummy. Then, onward into the day. Rah.

Happy Tuesday Y’all!

**FCD **has been fighting a cold for a few days, and last night, he went to bed around 8, which is crazy early for him, tho not so much for me. I went back about half an hour later, and I played some games on my tablet till I was nodding off. Unfortunately, he’d fallen asleep before me and was snoring, which I’m not used to.

But I finally dozed a bit, before waking and realizing I’d forgotten to take my meds. And once I got up and took care of that, I couldn’t fall back to sleep for what felt like eons. Ergo, this morning, I’m in deep zombie mode.

Gonna be a long day… Happy Tuesday anyway.

That’s pretty special Swampy. I know you miss her.

I am awake though not up yet. I have a holiday luncheon to attend today. They give out tons of door prizes so maybe I will win something. Or, more likely not.

I slept well so there’s that. Anyway Onward into the day.

Happy Toosday!

It’s cold outside, 18 degrees.
The sun is shining.

I’m sleepy.
I woke too early, been a busy morning what with finishing up laundry, paying some bills, starting the dishwasher, now I need a nap, but I have to irk until 11.

Hope you feel better today Butters and good luck winning a prize.

Cool pic Swampy!

Morning all. Looks like getting up early is a thing for Twosday, I was up at 5:30am. Did do some soccer stuff for this weekend, and need to get some e-mails out, then forage for some nourishment from the kitchen as it is 26F outside and I prefer staying inside.

Swampy, make sure you save that; don’t want it to get updated (unlikely though that would be) and lost. Wonderful memory.

Butters, I think I won one door prize in 20 years of Office Xmas parties; here’s hoping you have better luck.

I think the cat could do a better job at hunting mice if the dog didn’t try to help.

{{Flipper}} My mom had diabetes at the end of her life, and managed it pretty well.