Breaking Bad 5.14 "Ozymandias" 9/15/13

I know! I remember that the day they read the OJ verdict, I skipped my afternoon class so I could come home and watch it live. For some reason that I still don’t fully understand to this day, I was feeling so apprehensive that my fingers actually had a fine tremor to them. I almost feel this way today. I have a feeling that I’ll make dinner, sit down to watch tonight’s episode, and have to take a deep breath and brace myself before pressing the play button.

I agree this one will start with, if not a flashback/forward, at least a cut to something else - like something else Marie has been doing. I don’t necessary want to see Hank’s brains splattered all over the mesas, but it’d be kind of disappointing if we just see him dead without the character getting the honor of dying in a fight with the bad guys. Some of Hank’s behavior the last few episodes has been decidedly unheroic, but in general he’s been the one crusading for Right in this series.

What’s the most appropriate meal for the final BB episode? Bacon and eggs, pancakes, and OJ? Or Mexican food, blueberry pie, and gatorade. Or maybe fried chicken and green beans.

They seemed to push the Ozymandias metaphor with Cranston reading the poem. I’d think for that to work the money would have to be left undiscovered in the desert, the only remnants of his empire to survive. Maybe to be found in the far future.

Fried chicken? And for dessert some blue rock candy? That’s what they use as Blue Sky meth on the show.

I’ve heard it’s going to be a bottle episode that follows Walt Jr. from wake-up through deciding what to have for breakfast through the cooking and eating process.

Gomez is Gone-ez

Holy shit.

Oh. My. God.

We just started watching in Aug and binged all summer. Caught up last night. This is the first watching live.

Oh. My. God.


Perfect, as usual!

LOL - Walt just rolled the barrel past his pants from episode 1.

Do you think that song was telling us to say goodbye to everyone? It’s starting to look like that.

I wanted Hank to live. :frowning:

Holy mother of God.

No. No. No…


Wow. Wow. Wow.

Oh. My. God.

I don’t think I took one breath during that whole scene!

Poor Jesse.

Way to be a hero, Flynn.

I’m guessing he doesn’t go back to Junior again.