Breaking Bad 5.15 "Granite State" 9/22/13

5.01: “Live Free or Die”
5.02: “Madrigal”
5.03: “Hazard Pay”
5.04: “Fifty One”
5.05 “Dead Freight”
5.06 “Buyout”
5.07 “Say My Name”
5.08 “Gliding Over All”

5.09 “Blood Money”
5.10 “Buried”
5.11 Confessions
5.12 Rabid Dog
5.13 To’hajiilee
5.14 Ozymandius

Penultimate episode.

I can’t wait. Is anyone else rooting for Jesse to make it out alive when the show ends? I would rather Skyler die than Jesse. I have a feeling Walk Jr. will make it out ok. Also Saul.

So to sum up:

I want Jesse and Saul to live.
And Skyler I want to die. :slight_smile:

I’m wondering if Jesse is going to “use chemistry” (ala Walt in the pilot) to try to kill Todd and/or Lydia and attempt to free himself.

If he has a mask on, and Todd and/or Lydia don’t, then maybe… but I don’t see him doing that without killing himself.

Or worse, killing Todd but being unable to free himself from his restraints. He would be left alone to die.

Possible solution to the Jack and the Aryan problem,

…Lydias Czech connections are pissed with quality, come over and kill them all, perhaps kidnap Todd as cook, leave Jesse in the basement…or not;)

(edit to add, if we hadn’t seen the flash forward of Walter returning with his machine gun)

Walter does have that weapon tho ,:eek: I do think its probably going to be used against Jack’s crew, or the Czechs if they DID show up…I kinda doubt my own scenario tho…:dubious: ( I was thinking that Lydias side of the equation, all those millions flowing…they have a lot to lose with dropping profits, and would be a good plot or side plot to throw in the mix!!)

Lots of loose ends to tie up!!

The heat on Walt by the feds will be unrelenting, so I predict that before he returns to New Mexico, he sees his hideout being raided. In New Hampshire or wherever.

Also, didn’t Walt tell the gun dealer that the M-60 “wouldn’t be leaving town”? If true, wouldn’t that mean a target in the city and not at Jack’s warehouse?

The feds don’t know anything about him. Hank kept it to himself, and only included Gomie at the end. Also, Walt doesn’t give a shit what the dealer does or doesn’t want. This is personal.

I like this observation, also when Todd and Uncle Jack and Lydia were talking about the product how Todd insisted they keep the masks on and then Uncle Jack pulled it off, there has to be some connection to death by inhalation.

I would just so love to see a LES MIS “One Day More” style musical number to send it off.

“One cook more
Another cook with some more methlamine
That’s my son Walt Jr. on the tambourine
The Nazis who stole seventy mil
Are some bitches that I’ve gotta kill
One cook more…”

I think the feds will know Walt was involved in Hank’s disappearance very soon, after that phone call to Skyler with the Albuquerque police present.

I don’t know why we would have any expectation that Walt was telling the truth.

Marie and Skyler know. All of the cops that overheard the phone call know. It’s safe to say that the Feds know.

Right. Walt’s secret has to be out. Skyler could have told the police after they showed up anyway, and he confessed on the phone. Walt can’t be hanging around, can he? I think he’s going straight to New Hampshire, more or less. (By the way are we ever going to see the guy who drives the van?) I have to think Walt gets to NH and gets set up there for a while because there is too much time to kill. Saul’s phone call could be about something else or it could come later in the episode, I guess.

The problem with Jesse killing Todd via red phosphorous or anything else is that that Nazis made it clear they’ll kill Brock and Andrea is he doesn’t cooperate. Could he get away and set up a new life for them somewhere else before the Aryan Brotherhood catches him? Maybe. I don’t know if that violates Saul’s rule about only having one chance with the vacuum cleaner guy. But that would make Jesse similar to Walt in that they would both be trying to minimize the harm they cause to the people they care about. That’s almost the only kind of victory left for them.

That’s true but it would be so cool for him to use something that he learned from Mr. White to get free. Notice also that Todd is suited up but not Jesse. This may be that Jesse doesn’t have long to live. Todd might just want lessons for a couple cooks and then the Nazis will keep their word and (try to) kill him.

Yeah, I think Walt is on his way to New Hampshire. Jesse may try the red phosphorus trick but I don’t think it would be too effective in that large warehouse (or whatever it is). Too much ventilation; the RV was a small enclosed area. I don’t believe the cook site was closed off within the warehouse, it looked open. Plus Todd is very careful about keeping his gas mask on while the cook is in progress. Jesse might be able to take out Jack and part or all of his gang that way; I think they showed Jack remove the gas mask for a reason.

It would be cool, yes. And no, they are definitely not planning to keep Jesse around for long. They asked Walt to do a few cooks with them before he bargained them down and I don’t think they want more than that from Jesse. It would be cool to see him use the red phosphorous gambit- I can’t remember if Walt showed him how it works. It would be interesting if he tries that, fails, and comes up with something else.

And he wouldn’t necessarily be trapped there if he did something to Todd. Todd has to have the keys, doesn’t he?

In the last thread I said Hank would die, Walt and Jessie would be captured, and then Walt and Jessie would team up to defeat the Nazis.

I was so wrong about Walt and Jessie. In every season they’ve had difficulties, but managed to come together in the end. I’ve never seen a TV friendship killed more thoroughly than this one. Walt ordered his execution, gave him up for torture, and admitted he watched his girlfriend die and did nothing. Is there any hope left? Despite all the evidence available, I want to see them team up again.

I just made a prediction about the driver in this thread.

I think Jesse is like a cockroach-- he’ll outlive everyone. I wouldn’t mind seeing Walt go out in a Buch Cassidy and Sundance Kid-esque ending.

Oh yeah? Well, take this. . . :smack: