This is news? The, uh, man has always maintained he didn’t do anything wrong! What did the media expect him to do?
This is the most surprising thing I’ve heard since I heard that Liberace was gay. Who’d have thunk it?
His supporters will be saying it’s a race thing next.
…and in other news, Generalissimo Francisco Franco is still dead.
(I’m sorry! I just never ever got to be first to post that before!.
It’s not as exciting as I thought it would be, either.)
Race? Heck, it’s hard enough to figure out what species he is.
Well, the judge is UP-set.
What was with all the Nation of Islam dudes standing in a line outside the courthouse with newspapers under their arms?
Could it be any more a circus?
I was hoping for some anti-childmolesters to jump out after MJ and the Nation of Islam badasses to jump in after them and it all become one roiling riot with MJ screaming and his fans screaming and the cops laughing and so on…
Come on! Where’s the fun if the freak show doesn’t get freaky!
I actually heard the commentator (on CNN I think) say “We just report the news, we don’t make it” or something to that effect to justify why they are showing this live.
Uh, right.
Someone over at Jedi Council said he hopes that the DA will drop the charges because of all the support Michael is getting and they’ll be embarassed after he’s found innocent.
As far as it being about race-too late. People are already making that claim.
I just love the way people are saying he’s innocent-because he’s so good and he loves kids and it’s just people wanting to take him down because they hate him and he’s like a God!
It would be funny, if it didn’t actually SCARE me.
Judging by the way he hoisted himself onto the roof of that SUV, it appears that his arm has magically healed.
<Faints, hand pressed to bow, in best Margaret Dumont-esque style>
I did like how the judge was snarky about showing up on time. He’s totally right but who’ll take a bet that Mikey’s lawyers will be complaining about it on tonight’s news? Anyone?
Meant brow, although bow in the sense of (ahem) bosom would also work.
And I still hear the crickets. And a lone wolf howling.
Well, Mehitabel, the anchorperson on whatever channel I saw this on pointed out that MJ’s getting through the crowd to the courthouse was not the easiest thing in the world.
Doesn’t mean he can’t leave home earlier, of course. Or…Maybe he could just work his way through the crowd, without stopping to wave and blow kisses and so forth?
Nah, what am I saying? That’s crazy talk!
It’s a fucking circus.
He’s throwing a party at Neverland Ranch right now that’s open to the public. MSNBC is acting like it’s the most important thing in the world right now.
I’m speechless.
This is torture of us news junkies. I have to leave CNBC on today. I just can’t stand this crap. Are we supposed to believe that this is the most important news item in the world today?
Reporter: “I’m standing outside the couthouse where Michael Ja…” click.
I know it’s been asked before, but who ARE all these fans?!
What kind of person thinks that way? (Them, I mean, not Guin.)
Oh yeah, this thread is mostly to pit the media too. I wish I could archive the front page of the BBC website–they have it as their headline! Everybody keeps saying how much better they are and yet they seem to think their readers care about a has-been American singer! Does anybody outside the US even remember who he is?
Throwing aside all the plastic surgery, the skin coloring, and the child molesting…anyone with that many Nation of Islam friends cannot be all there in the head!
Probably the same kind that believes priests can do no wrong.
Mehitabel, his latest CD is doing great business everywere except in the US, IIRC.
Yeah, and they only bought the ones with black and white text too. I mean would it kill them to try a little USA Today?
I’ll take that bet.
I doubt his lawyers are going to openly antagonize any judge, much less the one that’s going to be presiding over a VERY visible case of theirs. I think the more likely scenario is that Jackson’s lawyers are going to make damn sure he isn’t late again.
I heard on the live telecast that people came from all over the world for the “event”. They talked about someone who spent over $600 just to get there and they were broke now. I don’t understand some people and their obsessive fascination with faux stardom–yes Jackson’s stardom in faux cause he has jumped the shark.
Note: This is L.A. and that was all that was on, so I really didn’t have a choice, I had to watch it as I was trying to find a channel with some real news on it. Wah, no luck.