British supremacist nonsense

Oh, and JFTR, the actual quote was ‘Two Wongs don’t make a white’, uttered by our PM Arthur Calwell in 1947 to promote European post-war immigration rather than immigration from the Asian nations to our immediate north.

He wanted swarthy wogs to come live here, not those slanty-eyed buggers!! :smiley:

In the OP’s favor, he has has provided an extremely accurate thread title :smiley:

And also in the OP’s favour, if he DOES live in Sydney, he’s likely to cop all sorts of shit from the ‘shock-jock’ radio-commentators such as Alan Jones who find it somehow satisfying, personally and financially, to stir up racial tensions within the community. The likes of Jones are not representative of either the general media population Australia-wide, nor the populace itself. Most people here are pretty laid-back, welcoming, and really don’t give a shit what colour your eyebrows are unless you give them grief.

I’m actually quite surprised that it’s the British Supremacists causing him problems, rather than the Australian Supremacists. Although given the treatment folks like the BNP often receive here I can see why they’d want to emigrate.

I’ll tolerate religions I believe to be stupid.

I won’t tolerate religions I believe to be intolerant - I’m not sure why anyone would.

Is that what all the venomous snakes and spiders are for?

Pardon me, ladies, but I think you’ve overlooked the fact that the line for Mr. David Wenham starts over here, right behind me.

Just to take pressure off and stop the fighting, I will point out that I am blonde and blue eyed. According to the OP I am obviously a potential movie star. As an extra I am a convict descendant so I am the next big thing. If you ladies want to email me some revealing pictures of yourselves I am sure we can arrange something.

Just send them to


Wow. I feel so honored that you have enlightened us with your beneficent presence.

British Supremicism my arse- when I went to Australia a few years back, I got the piss taken out of me for being a bloody whinging Pom…
Australians insult everyone, it’s sort of a national hobby.

Ah, yes, Oz. Home of the Nigger Brown Memorial Football Grandstand.

Question: why do you Aussies hate the poor Kiwis?:frowning:

Ask why Kiwis hate Australians.

It’s a friendly rivalry and talk of “hatred” is exaggerated. (Apart from the sporting field that is).

Australians and New Zealanders fought beside each other in the Great War- as in the same Command.

As a brit, I contend that the simplest way to disabuse us of any feelings of supremacy is to make us watch our football team play.

Yep, all you ANZACs were sacrificed equally by the British commanders at Gallipoli.

Indeed. I kind of think the forum has fucked up though. Clicking on a thread with “British supremacist nonsense” surely shouldn’t lead to a load of Aussies arguing amongst themselves? I know us Brits have been shit in the past, but this one is totally on you guys, leave us out of it.

Is that the one that has never played a competitive international (and not at all since 1955) or the Olympic team that hasn’t played since 1972? :wink:

“The wogs begin at Calais…”

:confused: Why would they care what color, sorry, colour your eyebrows are even if you DO give them grief?

Are you saying that most white Australians don’t indulge in racist insults except in the case of the minorities, sorry, wogs that they happen to dislike personally?

In my limited experience, yes, most Aussies do not indulge in racist comments. The ones that do tend to express them about people from SE Asia.

That’s Brisbane. Lebanese-Australians are more common around Sydney and my understanding is that there have been some serious conflicts.

When I have heard racist comments from Australians, it’s typically been when the Australian is annoyed about something else. That phenomenon is not limited to Australia. I’ve seen the same thing happen in America. A discussion gets heated and somebody drops the N bomb, for instance.