Broken heart, crushed dreams

I’d probably just say something like “It just didn’t work out. I don’t want to go into the details right now” and let that be the end of it.
Sorry to hear that this happened to you. I agree with the others that someday you’ll look back on this and realize it was for the best. There’s another guy out there who will be even better for you.

It hurts like the devil right now, and you don’t see how you can go on living–that’s only natural.
Once the really bad bawling has stopped, take good care of yourself, plan activities, see your friends. It’s hard to believe that you’re going to get over this, but you will.

I remember the pain well, even though it’s been over 40 years since that heartbreak.

As for your co-workers, I second lavenderviolet’s suggestion.

I remember that feeling. It was awful. It does get better - I promise it does. I think the first immediate good thing is that you now get to make all your life decisions based solely on what you want and need, and what makes you happy.

For what its worth, my hugs and best vibes heading your way.

Just remember that you don’t owe him anything. He gave you the option to take the dog - if you want to keep the dog, keep it. If he didn’t want you to take it, he shouldn’t have offered.

As for the birthday present, I’d say a big no on that one.

Just offering best wishes for you. The situation is probably every bit as awful as it sounds. There’s lots of good advice in this thread already, and I hope it benefits you with time.

Sorry to hear about that. It’s a terrible feeling, huh?

For some reason, reading scientific studies about the chemicals involved in love helped me through my last heartbreak. In many ways, a lot of what you are feeling is good old fashioned chemical withdrawal.

That is a terrible feeling. You have all my sympathy.

Hang in there.

That feeling sucks. I’m sorry.

Good news is you didn’t have a family or (I assume) a mortgage with him. Better to know now, than when you’ve had 3 kids and are up to your eyeballs in debt.

What’s the other girl’s name?

Really, this isn’t the time for that.

Definitely - wallow in the pain for a while, but give yourself a cut off date. I would give him the present now, and not take the dog.

Fuck no I would not give him a birthday present! Screw him and his stupid face!

As for the dog, its a matter of whether you can take care of it and want to. Think about what would be best for the dog and for you, in that order. Start caring about yourself and let him take care of himself.

Was this necessary?
Gordokins, I’m sorry this happened to you. I know how much it sucks, but things will slowly start to get better. Just pamper yourself and give it as much time as it needs to heal. You’re better off without him.

(I’m getting paranoid since all of these stories seem to involve California.)

Gordokins, it sucks. I’m sorry to hear you’re going through this.

Sure, why not?

It wasn’t said to be malicious or insensitive. The excuses he gave her were flimsy and vague and there’s a very likely possibility that he has eyes for someone new. It happens, and doesn’t reflect poorly on the OP. If anything, it should give her something to think about instead of wondering why he would be “seeing cracks” in the relationship when she thinks everything is going great. She said that maybe she pushed him away but really it might not have made any difference what she did or didn’t do - the guy’s a tool.

Bob, dude…I know it’s “just the Internet” and all, but if you weren’t meaning to be a jerk, you SERIOUSLY need to work on those communication skills.

Godorkins, I’m so very sorry. We’ve all been through heartbreak, and it SUCKS. Royally. But you’ll get through it, and be happier in the long run. Keep your chin up.

You’re right… I probably should have said that with more tact. That’s what I get for posting too late at night. I do think it was worth saying, but probably with more explanation on why I said it. I really think that it would have helped the OP to look at it from a different angle that would help it not seem so random, and wondering what she did wrong.

Apologies to Godorkins for my tactlessness. I do wish you the best.

Take the present back and use the cash to buy *yourself *something *you *want. Even if it’s just ice cream at this point. Do not, under any circumstances, give it to him. And take the dog too.

I’m sorry you’re hurting, and I hope that you get to a place where you can feel better soon.

Is he still going to CA? That’s really the best case scenario at this point. Even if he’s staying local, don’t expect or hope that he’ll suddenly change his mind and come flying back into your arms. And birthday present? Don’t even contact him…the guy just broke your heart. The only reason you want to give him a present is to show him how much you care, bring him back to you, etc, and it’ll just lead to more heartbreak for you. You’re 24 and have years of love ahead of you with the RIGHT person. Get over this loser and you’re that much closer to finding someone better for you.