Possible spoilers for the last season of Buffy in the linked thread…
Now, just so you know, I’m not attempting to pit the posters who actually wrote the possible spoilers; I’m just venting frustration at the what instead of the who.
That said, in the latest Buffy episode thread in Cafe Society, one poster wrote a possible spoiler about the involvement of one of the major characters for the rest of the season. Keep in mind, however, that this is Buffy’s last season, so this irks me even more than usual.
Listen, I don’t care if you’ve downloaded and read the next sixteen gazillion episodes; I don’t even care if a magical pixie has given you secret access to Joss Whedon’s brain (a la John Malkovich). What I do care about is that if you do know about future episodes, please do not write them in a thread that is not meant for future episode spoilers. Especially since this is the last season.
I’ve been watching that show since the first episode, and in that entire time, I have never purposely gone out to find spoilers. I like being surprised by either the good or bad writing. I enjoy not knowing what’s coming down the slayer pipe.
Speculation is fine. However, if you admit beforehand that you’ve read the furture scripts, you cannot speculate. Period. You know (unless they’ve changed the scripts since you’ve read them–which is what I mean by “possible spoilers”) what’s going to happen, so there’s pretty much no chance that you’re speculating on anything other than how badly we’re going to react to what you’ve written.
Of course, more than one person in that thread mentioned that he/she has read future scripts and does/does not like what happens.
Now, this might be a bit on the anal side when it comes to wanting to be surprised (although, I’m sure that when it comes to anal, there’s almost always a bit of surprise involved), but could you please refrain from offering your opinion(s) on scripts that you’ve seen and we haven’t?
True, you’re not giving away any details per se, but if you’ve posted before about how you feel about certain characters, story arcs, etc…, some of us know what you mean by “What a great way to end the series!” or “Good God, they can suck the the Elephant Man’s ball sack for writing the finale that way!”
There’s only a handful of episodes left in a series that I’ve enjoyed for seven years, so please avoid giving any more information away. Even if you think what you’re writing is completely ambiguous.