Buffy challenge - 100 (or more) characters

My second character-

Parking Ticket Lady (Marti Noxon):“Hey, I’m not wearing underwear.”

April the sweetest little sex-bot in the whole wide world. :smiley:

“He comes from here and I need him. But … it’s confusing, and I’ve already walked a really long way. I’m sure he’s nearby!”

My second:-

Chao-Ahn, chinese potential:- “I don’t understand a word you people are saying!”

My second: Sam Finn, Riley’s simpering wife

SAM: Hey there. What exactly are you doing with my husband?

BUFFY: Husband? Wife? And … those aren’t code names like Big Dog or Falcon or… I didn’t think so.

Quentin Travers: You used to respect us, Giles. You used to be one of us.
Giles: You used to pay me.

Quentin Travers, late unlamented big kahuna of the Watcher’s Council.

BUFFY: Just tell me what kind of demon I’m fighting.
TRAVERS: Well, that’s the thing, you see. Glory isn’t a demon.
BUFFY: What is she?
TRAVERS: She’s a god.

Simulpost! Gah.

Next attempt:

Parker Abrams, bad bad college boy.

Parker: Willow, can I tell you something kinda private?
Willow: Okay, I mean I feel you’ve shown me a perspective I haven’t
really thought much about before. What was it you wanted to tell me?
Parker: Just that I’ve enjoyed talking to you. Here. Tonight.
Willow: Me too. I mean, with you. You know, I’m wondering
something. About you.
Parker: What?
Willow: Just how gullible do you think I am?

That’s more of a Willow quote, but there you go.

Cecily, she of the beauty effulgent, and who may or may not actually be Halfrek the vengeance demon.

“You’re nothing to me, William. You’re beneath me.”

BTW, that’s my second.

Devon, the lead singer from “Dingoes Ate My Baby”

Devon: “Other bands have roadies.”
Oz: “Well, other bands know more than three chords. Your professional bands can play up to six, sometimes seven different chords."

Actually, both Vampy Willow (of Anyanka’s alternate reality) and Black Willow (from the end of season six) said “Bored now.”

William’s MOTHER - Pleasure? To take my leave of you, of course. “The lark hath spake from twixt its wee beak?” You honestly thought I could bear an eternity listening to that twaddle?

My second…


Oz: Just wanna get back to my place, figure out why we got out of our cages.
Veruca: You have a cage?
Oz: Don’t you?
Veruca: Uh, yeah. Has a little wheel with a plastic ball, and a cute little bell in it. God! Somebody’s domesticated the hell out of you.

My second:

Amy’s Mom - not her line, and it’s paraphrased “It’s like her eyes follow you everywhere”

My favorite pop-culture reference in Buffy was when the The Gorch brothers, Lyle and Tector, from The Wild Bunch, showed up as vampires. Can’t remember any of their lines.

Gwendolyn Post

“Faith, a word of advice… you’re an idiot.”

Nancy Doyle from Earshot “I could have done that”

Mr. Harris at Xander’s wedding:
"And here’s to my dear wife. What would I do without you, dear? Well, for starters, I probably wouldn’t drink so much. "

Xander’s sad, cuff-link nicking cousin, referring to another guest, a demon with tentacles hanging from his face: “D’you think he’d date a woman with a kid?”

Tara Maclay
Buffy Summers
Willow Rosenberg
Jenny Calendar
Miss Kitty Fanastico
Amy Madison
the Mayor of Sunnydale
Xander Harris
Daniel “Oz” Osbourne
Rupert Giles
Joyce Summers
Cheese Man
Cordelia Chase
Anya Christina Emmanuella Jenkins
Wesley Wyndham-Price
Principal Snyder
Gachnar (the itty-bitty fear demon)
the Master
the Gentlemen
Willy the Snitch
the Mutant Enemy Mascot
Halfrek the “Justice” Demon
Holden (psych student vamp sired by Spike - “Conversations w/ Dead People”)
Kendra Young
Mr. Trick
the First Slayer
Percy West
Hank Summers
Olaf the Troll God (and ex-husband of Anya)
Ethan Rayne
the Judge
SpicoliVamp from “the Freshman”
the First Evil
bouncer from the Bronze
Riley Finn
Gwendolyn Post
Marcie Ross
Prof. Maggie Walsh
Evil Willow (presumably the alternate universe vampire Willow)
Kathy, the room-mate from Hell
Principal Flutie
Larry the gay jock
Sid the demon-hunting puppet - “Talent Show”
Billy Fordham
Lilly a.k.a. Chantarelle
the Anointed One
Principal Robin Wood
Gage Petronzi
Parking Ticket Lady
Sam Finn
Quentin Travers
Parker Abrams
William’s (Spike’s) mother
Amy’s Mom
The Gorch brothers
Nancy Doyle
Mr. Harris (Xander’s father)
Xander’s sad, cuff-link nicking cousin

That’s 90 names. We’re close.

Okay, I’ll add - Anderson: (paraphrasing) Riley, what happened to you? You used to have a mission…now you’re just the mission’s boyfriend."

We seem to be running low on energy here, so I hope nobody minds if I name a third:

Luke, badass vampire minion, and the vessel of the master.

“Master! Taste of this… and be free!!”

What about Nikki Wood, the badass soul sista’ Slayer from the '70s (and Principal Wood’s mother)? I always wished we could have found out more about her life and career.