Buffy challenge - 100 (or more) characters

Forrest: This is the burden we bear, brother. We have a gig that would inevitably cause any girl living to think we are cool upon cool. Yet, we must Clark Kent our way through the dating scene, never to use our unfair advantage. Thank God we’re pretty.

Marcie “The Invisible Girl” Ross




Maggie Walsh *Those of you who don’t will come to know me by the name my TAs use, and think I don’t know about, ‘The Evil Bitch Monster of Death.’ *

Apologies. Don’t know how I missed that.

Adam–“I’ve been upgrading.”

Olivia, Giles’s friend with benefits in season four.

Olivia: “All the time you used to talk to me about witchcraft and darkness and the like - I just thought you were being pretentious.”

Giles: “Oh I was. I was also right.”

Olivia: “So everything you told me was true.”

Giles: “Well no, um, I wasn’t actually one of the original members of Pink Floyd. But the monster stuff, yes.”

How about
Evil Willow; “Bored now.”
Duplicate Xander?

Kathy, Buffy’s roommate from freshman year who labelled every single item in the frige with her name and was really a demon. [about Kathy]
Buffy: She irons her jeans. She’s evil.

The late Principal Robert Flutie: " You’re gonna have so much detention your grandchildren’ll be staying after school! "


This is our year, I’m telling you. Best football season ever. I’m so in shape, I’m a rock. It’s all about egg whites. If we can focus, keep discipline and not have quite as many mysterious deaths, Sunnydale is gonna rule!

I know the rules say one post and one character but I’ve already mentioned Angel, I think I should be allowed to bring up his alter ego: Angelus.

Angelus: We’re going to make history…end.

Okay, this is the first person I thought of who wasn’t already mentioned:

Kennedy gay Potential-turned-Slayer.

“Well, I’m not saying the sweeping would have been easy!”

**Sid ** the demon-hunting puppet: “I knew a Slayer in the 30’s. Korean chick. Very hot. We’re talking muscle tone.”

Billy Fordham: “You know what, Summers? I really did miss you…”

Lilly (Chantarelle) “That was during my exotic phase”

Having mentioned Wicked in another thread, I thought of Doc, played by Joel Gray.

Spike: Doesn’t a fella stay dead when you kill him?
Doc: Look who’s talking.

The list thus far:

Tara Maclay
Buffy Summers
Willow Rosenberg
Jenny Calendar
Miss Kitty Fanastico
Amy Madison
the Mayor of Sunnydale
Xander Harris
Daniel “Oz” Osbourne
Rupert Giles
Joyce Summers
Cheese Man
Cordelia Chase
Anya Christina Emmanuella Jenkins
Wesley Wyndham-Price
Principal Snyder
Gachnar (the itty-bitty fear demon)
the Master
the Gentlemen
Willy the Snitch
the Mutant Enemy Mascot
Halfrek the “Justice” Demon
Holden (psych student vamp sired by Spike - “Conversations w/ Dead People”)
Kendra Young
Mr. Trick
the First Slayer
Percy West
Hank Summers
Olaf the Troll God (and ex-husband of Anya)
Ethan Rayne
the Judge
SpicoliVamp from “the Freshman”
the First Evil
bouncer from the Bronze
Riley Finn
Gwendolyn Post
Marcie Ross
Prof. Maggie Walsh
Evil Willow (presumably the alternate universe vampire Willow)
Kathy, the room-mate from Hell
Principal Flutie
Larry the gay jock
Sid the demon-hunting puppet - “Talent Show”
Billy Fordham
Lilly a.k.a. Chantarelle

To which I’ll add - the Anointed One

That makes 72 characters. C’mon Whedon fans! “the Simpsons” and “Seinfeld” threads had more than 100 names by this time in their lives! We can’t let 'em beat us! :slight_smile:

Principal Robin Wood

Want. Take. Have.

Can we make a second post? I thought we were limited to one post per 100 characters.

I missed the faith in the list – I’ll find someone else. Sorry.
Raiding an Englishman’s fridge is like dating a nun: You’re never gonna get the good stuff.

Gage Petronzi (played by Wentworth Miller) from Go Fish:
Gage: Oh. Was that the thing that killed Cameron?

BUFFY: No. That was something else.

Gage: Something else?

BUFFY: Yeah. Unfortunately, we have a lot of something elses in this town. Good night.

Gage: Hey! Walk me home?