On the Abraham Lincoln, complete with a shiny new flight suit, a smirk, and an incongruous bulge, George W. Bush said:
Most Dopers, as far as I can tell, do not believe that any of the hijackers were Iraqi, that Saddam Hussein was involved in the planning of the attacks, or that the Saddamites and al Qaida have ever been linked in a meaningful way. Would most Dopers then agree that the above quotes from Dear Leader prove that GWB is either 1) purposefully manipulating (lying to) the American Public, or 2) an ignorant boob.
You know, dudes- I didn’t vote for Bush. I likely won’t do so next election, barring the nomination of a complete Dem nincompoop- and then I will likely vote 3rd party. I think Bush’s “Cut taxes, increase spending & borrow like hell” policy is fiscal irresponsibility of the first order.
But you know what? I am also sick and tired of all this Bush-Bashing also. It’s rhetoric, that’s all. Get a life, OK? :rolleyes:
It’s not just rhetoric, though. I don’t think the Iraqis would consider what we did as just rhetoric. The point is that Bush has fundamentally changed US policy on a very flimsy premise.
Welcome to the world of politics is all i can say…However while Bush himself might be an ignorant boob,he is surrounded by very snarrt people which keeps him in check.
And For a country that went through a senseless war like Vietnam,in suprised the concept of a controversial war with no clear agenda suprises you.Life sucks…
ROFLMAO!! Well, I saw the speech and I missed that part. I guess I was looking at his face. Best laugh I’ve had in days…thanks.
Have to agree with DrDeth…I don’t particulary like Bush, didn’t vote for him, and won’t vote for him next election. But come on guys, get a grip…his fricking “incongruous bulge”??? Get a grip man. Bush is a POLITICIAN…and they are almost universally slimy dogs, reguardless on which side of the fence they sit (or which country they are from) who pretty much all do and say the same things. Wake up and smell the bullshit…
Bush is an ignorant boob
Oh Yeah??! well, he’s OUR ignoramt boob and he’s the best ignorant boob the world of politics has to offer. If it werent for this ignorant boob, the Iraqis will still be under the rule of a really smart and ruthless despot.
>>>the Iraqis will still be under the rule of a really smart and ruthless despot<<<
Yeahhhhh. Now they’re under the rule of a really DUMB and ruthless despot.
You perhaps noticed that there were six freaking paragraphs between the first part of your quote and the last. Those six paragraphs mentioned the Taliban, Afghanistan, Pakistan, the Horn of Africa, and then made specific reference to the liberation of Iraq.
I might agree that there are the words of an ignorant boob in this thread, but I wouldn’t think it was Bush.
What’s with you lefties quoting Bush out of context and then blaming him for saying things he didn’t? Do you seriously think it makes Bush look bad or you look good because you doctored his quotes?
Bush was talking about the war on terror. This includes all terrorists who threaten the US or other nations, as was clear from the complete speech. Think of it as the police cracking down on gang violence, if you need a simple analogy. The police can act against more than one group at a time as part of a unified campaign, even if the Bloods and the Crips aren’t the same organization.
You guys need to come up with a better form of character assassination than this.
“He’s a criminal, a puppet and a man who will have us remembered as one of the most savage “modern” nations.”
Really? You REALLY think this? In light of Germany, China, the Soviet Union…gods, countless other “modern nations”. In light of the French post WWII and their ‘colonies’ in indochina and Africa? Englands shinning example in India? In the Middle East? We are the most ‘savage modern nation’ because of Dubya and what we did in Iraq and Afganistan?? You need to up the voltage Mr. B or lay off the meds bro…the retoric is getting to you.
If Europe (I assume thats what you mean by the ‘who’ that will ‘remember us’ in your statement) thinks of us as ‘the most savage modern nation’ its only because they have a very short memory. I’m not going to sit here and say America is perfect, has a perfect record, or is always, or even half the time, in the right, that our motives our pure, etc etc ad nausium. We aren’t, and only a fool would say it…but only a fool would claim America is ‘the most savage modern nation’ in light of simply looking at history. Get a grip man…
Neveretheless, I submit that if anyone is an ignorant boob, it would not be the President, but any person or persons who actually believed his claims that the war in Iraq was a direct response to September 11, 2001. And that is a very large number of boobs indeed.
I further submit that for a president with a long record of enthusiastic support for execution of criminals, and who had just won a war, that bulge was not at all incongruous.