Bush's Union of the State... the State's the Union... the States are United speech

The Tyrant in Chief is due to wag his tongue in about 2 hours. He’s going to say that the state of the union is strong. He’s going to say that America is great. And he’s going to ask his god to bless it. He’s going to fuck up the pronunciation of at least one word, screw up the syntax of at least one phrase, and deliver at least one whole sentence with an intonation and cadence that betrays the fact that he has no idea what he is saying.

This is the wind-up doll president. I don’t know who is in charge, but it isn’t him. He isn’t smart enough to organize such a thorough rape of American liberty. He will have one more speech after this one. By then, if the Democrats have not begun to reverse the damage he has done, then fuck them too.

Why anyone is going to watch to this stupid speech is beyond me. What do people think, that tomorrow something will have changed because of something he has said? Do young people really buy into this “Let’s make America great together!” bullshit? Don’t they teach in history that every politician ever elected has promised pretty much the same bull and delivered pretty much the same shit?

It wouldn’t do for me to write a history book. There’d be either a revolution or a mass suicide.

Any bets on how many:

  1. Words he mispronounces?
  2. Phrases he screws up the syntax?
  3. Sentences he reads without the slightest notion of what he’s saying?
  4. Times he references 9/11?
  5. Times he says “War on Terror”?
  6. Times he references sending a (clear, loud, strong) message?
  7. Blames someone else (Saddam, Terrists, Islamo-fascists) for his fuck ups?
  8. Implies a 9-11/Iraq connection?

The world’s worst drinking game:
Take a swig every time he says “Osama”.

Okay, I’ll play…

  1. 3
  2. 2
  3. 108
  4. 4
  5. 20
  6. 20
  7. 3
  8. 1

Rome’s back on and it gave me a great idea :wink: .

alphaboi is an honorable man; so are they all, all honorable men.

It looks like the distractors are going to be: increase in ethanol production, a new tax to pay for health care, levied on those of us who have health care, and a continuation of NCLB. My response to that is too little, fuck Bush, and FUCK Bush!

::: astonished :::

Why, to keep score, of course! :smiley:

[li] He’s going to say that the state of the union is strong. [/li][li] He’s going to say that America is great. [/li][li] And he’s going to ask his god to bless it. [/li][li] He’s going to fuck up the pronunciation of at least one word. [/li][li] screw up the syntax of at least one phrase[/li][li] and deliver at least one whole sentence with an intonation and cadence that betrays the fact that he has no idea what he is saying.[/li][/ul]
Five points for each of these when they appear, plus five points per sentence delivered robotically, so heads-up, ya gotta keep track.

Fifty bonus points if he disobeys his handlers’ advice and uses the word “nuclear”, whether mispronounced or not.

Fifty bonus points if he says “9/11” in the first 10 seconds; forty bonus points if he says it in the first 20 seconds; thirty bonus points if he says it in the first 30 seconds. After that, it’s just 5 regular points whenever it–inevitably–turns up.

Twenty bonus points for tears, real or glycerin.

One thousand points if he announces plans to alter the Constitution so as to allow himself to run for a third term.

Dammit no, I’ll never get loaded enough to watch the whole speech! I say we switch to “Petraeus” instead.

How many points if he brings a sympathy stooge to sit in the gallery with Laura?

Our local paper had this headline on the front page of their print edition a couple of days ago:

Speech Presents Challenge for Bush

I stared at it for a few moments, wondering how that qualified as news, before I realized they were being specific.

Requests for the Mother’s March Against Cognitive Dissonance Newsletter usually jump after a Bush SOTU speech.

I’ll play as well

  1. Words he mispronounces? - 3
  2. Phrases he screws up the syntax? - 3
  3. Sentences he reads without the slightest notion of what he’s saying? - 35-40%
  4. Times he references 9/11? - 6
  5. Times he says “War on Terror”? - 9
  6. Times he references sending a (clear, loud, strong) message? - 3
  7. Blames someone else (Saddam, Terrists, Islamo-fascists) for his fuck ups? - 7
  8. Implies a 9-11/Iraq connection? - 3


Dang! You mean I have to give a SOTU speech too?


Oh, and my wife thought the speech would make a nice drinking game.

“He said 911,. DRINK”
“He said terrorist/s,. DRINK”

Ahmed Chalabi, in a surprise return appearance.

Who’s the lucky cabinet secretary this year?

Maybe he’ll finally fall all the way off the wagon and deliver the speech drunk off his ass. It would be up there with the moon landing as one of the greatest moments in television history.

I’ll guess Condi.

Nah. Too high profile. Probably more like Dirk Kempthorne.