I suppose I’m showing my newbie-ness by asking this, but I have seen this a bunch of times, and always wondered…
What does “TMI” stand for?
Thank you for not flaming me!
I suppose I’m showing my newbie-ness by asking this, but I have seen this a bunch of times, and always wondered…
What does “TMI” stand for?
Thank you for not flaming me!
Too Much Information.
It’s generally used to reference when someone tells you something that not only added nothing to the conversation, but also put images and ideas in your head that you really didn’t want there. Usually this involves very detailed descriptions of practices, procedures, or thought processes.
For example:
Poster A: “Does anyone know what time it is?”
Poster B: “I’d tell you, but my watch is on the hand that I’m masturbating with.”
Poster A: “Does anyone want to come to my place Friday night?”
Poster B: “I’d love to, but my girlfriend is coming into town that night. Generally, when she shows up, we spend three hours locked in a room and exploring every sexual position we can think of. Sometimes it involves rutabagas.”
While in theory we’re here to fight ignorace, and therefore all knowledge is important, it’s akin to believing that the only true way to be an “honest” person is to go up to a complete stranger and let her know that she’s fat and ugly.
Hoping that someone will see the heading, and have a look…
What does :d&r: mean ???
:d&r: means ducks and runs
: walks off to adminster 5 Dopeslaps to the forehead :
Thank you all for your gracious responses–now I’m off to the Pit to check out the latest rants…