Calling anyone with any type of video camera and an imagination for tall tales!

I’m putting together a video that will be played at our wedding, and one of the things I want to have is a bunch of people telling stories of how they allegedly heard we met. We want these to be as wacky as possible, and I know the Teeming Millions are a creative bunch. The format would be along the lines of these:

“I heard Dan and Katherine met…”
“Oh, Dan and Katherine? I heard that they met…”
“The story I heard was, that…”

For reference, the real way we met was in an acrobatics workshop at a juggling convention we were both attending in Buffalo, NY in July 2004… as meeting people goes it’s a decent enough story in its own right. What we’re hoping to collect is stuff like “I heard they were the only two survivors of a plane crash over the ocean, and the Navy found them huddled together on an iceburg 3 days later…”

We want as many as possible, and they can be elaborate and full of details or short and simple. It can be one person looking at the camera, interview style, or multiple people adding to or arguing about the story (“I heard it was 2 blah blah…” “no, I heard it was 7! And they were purple…” “actually the way I heard it it was 12 and they were on fire…”) I only request that there be no profanity or stuff that would offend grandparents and stuff. Um… let me think. In case it’s relevant, this is what we look like, and at the time of the wedding I will be 37 and he will be 32.

Obviously the better the video quality, the better, so if you’ve got an actual video camera that would be ideal, but even the little video clips that you can take with a digital camera, webcam, or even a cell phone would be fine.

You can email me (it’s in my profile) video files, upload things and send me links, post them on youtube and I can grab them from there, or you can send me a physical disc or something (I will happily cover postage) or any other way you can think of to get it to me.

And yes, I’ll definitely post the finished video so that everyone can see what we came up with! So, who’s in?

Oh, I like this. I’m having ideas already. :slight_smile:

When do you need it? I need to get un-ill before I put myself on video.

The sooner I have the material the better, obviously. Ideally no later than March? By the beginning of March if possible? And if you have multiple ideas, feel free to get your friends on camera too (or heck, dress up differently enough that you’re not obviously the same person). Or you could always do “I heard that X… but then someone else told me that Y…”

Also if anyone has any great ideas but they’re too shy to do it, post them here–maybe someone else who isn’t shy but doesn’t have an idea will do it!

So few replies! Have you got anything by email or PM? I love stuff like this!

I’ll try to put together a couple but I’ve only got a crappy digital camera. Hopefully it’ll be up to the challenge. Do you mind if I do something with subtitles? I’ve got a few “in prison in central america” ideas & that sort of thing.

Subtitles is fine. And any quality of video is fine, I can make it work. I think a lot of people don’t reply because it isn’t so much a discussion as a “ooh, I will go do this” kind of thing for those who are interested. A discussion would keep it a little more visible, though, which would be nice.

Would it help to have people post suggested stories and other people offer to film them? Or to collaborate for coming up with good ideas? These don’t have to be Oscar winning masterpieces or anything. Totally cheesy is fine, bad video quality is fine… really, the whole range of everything is wonderful. I expect most things to make it into the final video, but I’m also going to make a video montage JUST of all (ALL) of the submissions and put it on youtube (unless that freaks you out–if you don’t want it on youtube just let me know when you send it and I’ll exclude it.)

Well. I think I’m un-ill enough to make something this weekend.

Woohoo! I can’t wait!

And for what it’s worth, this needn’t be limited to people who even know who we are or have even ever heard of us. If you have friends who you think might find this project amusing, all they need to know is that our names are “Dan” and “Katherine” and they are free to have at it and send it in!

Sounds like you need to get Melodyharmonious to get Ron to sit down in front of a camera and start him talking.

…the Aristocrats!